American Civil War

  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    First battle of the Civil War, Confederacy seizes the fort and supplies, Lincoln calls for 75,000 volunteers for the U.S. Army.
  • Period: to

    American Civil War Battles

  • First Battle of Bull Run

    Huge Confederate Victory. Jackson gets the nickname "Stonewall"
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Huge defeat for the Union.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Bloodiest day of the war. 23,000 die during the battle.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    General Lee defeats General Ambrose's assualt. (Watch Gods and Generals for depiction of the battle.)
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Lee soundly defeats the Union soldiers, killing around 17,000. Stonewall Jackson mortally wounded by friendly fire.