America's Turn of the Century Timeline

  • Period: to

    America Turn of the Century Ray M

    Turn of the Century America timeline Ray Mahanke
  • Imp: The U.S. claims the uninhabited islands of Midway

    Had more land for no reason whatsoever.
  • Imp: The U.S. buys Alaska territory from Russia

    US gains a large chunk of territory, where oil would later be found.
  • IR: Knights of Labor founded

    Big advocates of increasing worker's rights.
  • IR: Transcontinental Railroad completed

    In Promonotory, Utah. This allowed national travel to increase sharply, which also allowed trade and culture to grow and spread.
  • PP: Mayor William “Boss” Tweed of New York is convicted of fraud and jailed

    Helped to expose a lot of political fraud.
  • IR: Alexander Graham Bell invents telephone

    This allowed a significant increase in the speed of communication
  • PP: Tennessee passes to the Jim Crow law segregating rail cars for blacks and whites

  • IR: Thomas Edison tests first lighting system.

    The system was powered by an electrical plant. Electrical lights!
  • PP: Congress passes the Chinese Exclusion Act severely limiting Asian immigration

    Limited immigration. Raised xenophobia.
  • IR: Haymarke Square Bomb

    Homemade bomb kills eleven in the Haymarket Square riot.
  • Imp: King Kalakaua is forced at gunpoint to sign a constitution giving political control ofHawai’i to American sugar planters

    US gained more land for no foreseeable reason.
  • PP: Congress passes the Sherman Antitrust Act outlawing monopolies

    Helped prevent monopolies, keeping large businesses from becoming small empires.
  • PP: The National Grange and Farmer’s Alliance join to form the Populist Party

  • IR: Workers stage violent protest at Carnegie Steel.

    In Pennsylvania. Lot of dead.
  • PP: The Supreme Court legalizes segregation in Plessy v. Ferguson

    Gave rise to the "Separate but Equal" clause.
  • Imp: Hawai’i is annexed by the United States

    Did the same thing as that other thing involving Hawaii.
  • Imp: The U.S.S. Maine explodes in Havana Harbor, Cuba

    Terrorism! Maybe. Definitely hurt relations with Cuba.
  • Imp: The Spanish-American War begins

    War! Yay!
  • IR: Oil discovered at Spindletop, TX

    Sparked a large oil boom ins the US.
  • Imp: President McKinley is assassinated by Leon Czolgosz in Buffalo, NY and Teddy Roosevelt becomes president

    Lot of changes for the US! One president dies, another moves in.
  • IR: Orville and Wilber test the first plane.

    In KItty Hawk, NC.
  • Imp: The U.S. begins work on the Panama Canal

    The Panama canal allowed a significant increase in trade, giving a water route through a large landmass.
  • PP: W.E.B. DuBois helps found the NAACP

    Helped bring equality to black people.
  • Imp: President Roosevelt send the Great White Fleet on a 43,000-mile world tour

    For some reason. Didn't seem to serve much a purpose.
  • IR: US becomes largest producer of steel

    Andrew Carnegie's magical steel-making process makes America super cool.
  • PP: The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire kills 140 women and men

    This paved the way for a lot of fire safety procedure
  • PP: Massachusetts is the first state to establish a minimum wage

    Also paved the way for a lot of worker's rights.
  • IR: Congress adopts Standard Time

    This made railroads SO much easier to use.
  • PP: Native Americans are recognized as citizens in the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924

    Brought a sense of false equality to Natives.