America History A

  • The 15th Amendment

    President Lincoln wanted to free slaves. The 15th amendment was passed on febuary 3 1870. This gave freedom to African Americans.
  • The completion of the Panama Canal

    The canal cuts across the Isthums of panama and is key conduct for internatinol trades. The U.S has the contal of it up to a five mile radious. They worked on the canal from 1881 to 1914
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    A group of terrorist called The Black Hand had decided that the Archduck should be Assassinated and the planed visit provided the right opportunity. 7 young men trained in bomb throwing and marksmanship were on the route that Franz car would follow from the city hall to the inspectation.
  • U.S. entry into WWI

    Triggered by the Assassination of the Astralian archduke. Allies where British Empire, France, and Russia, and the USA. The centre powers were Germany, Ottoman Empire, and Astro hungry
  • The 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment gave wemon the right to vote. passed in 1919. no one will be denied the right to vote because of there gender.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles was singed in 1919 by Germany and Allied powers at the Palace of Versailles. It was presented to Germany in 1919 and even to this day it's argued about that it supported Natzis which lead to the outbreak of WWII
  • Hitler invades Poland

    This happened because he wanted to have lebensraum in Eastern Germany. This started the war. Hitler concered poland with the help of Stailn
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

    The boming of Pearl Harbor was a military attack and was conducted by the Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor. This was to prevent the US from interfiring with the Japan over sea terroritores.
  • Executive order 9066

    The Executive order 9066 was a United States Presidental executive order isussed during WWII by President Roosevelt. Eventually EO 9066 cleared the way for Japanese American to internment camps.
  • U.S. drops first Atomic bomb in Japan

    The first Bomb was dropped in 1945. The called the bomb Little Boy. the bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima.
  • U.S. drops second Atomic bomb in Japan

    The bomb was nicknamed Fat Man. This bomb was dropped 3 days later due to bad weather.
  • First U.S. military advisors were sent into Vietnam

    The military entered into Vietnam in 1961. The US entered the war to prevent communest takeover of south Vietnam as part of winder strategy of containment.
  • March on Washington

    The march on Washington brought about 250,000 people to a peaceful cival rights and economic equality for Arican Americans. Televised live and brought many emotions for people for the memrable for the MLK speech.
  • John F. Kennedy assassinated

    JFK was assassinated because he wanted to make things better for the normal American. He tried to end the Vietnam war and was bad for those who were getting rich off it.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated

    Martin Luther King was assassinated because he wanted rights for African Americans. While standing on his belcony he was shot with a 30 caliber bullet. African Americans took to the streets with riots after he died.
  • First combat troops sent to Vietnam

    President Johnson sent the first troops into Vietnam. Both China and Soviet Union threatened to interven if the US continued to apply military on behalf of the South Vetnamese.
  • Vietnam War ends

    On April 30 the war end the red and blue viet cong flags flies from the presidental palace. Uncandicinal serrender. The war is over.
  • U.S. supports Afghanistan from invasion of the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R)

    The US didn't fight Afghanistan but the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. After the US assisted them Afghanistan turned agianst the US. When we went after Bin Laden they used the same weapons against us.
  • U.N. declares victory in the Persian Gulf War

    The war started in 1991. the conflict was between Iraq and 32 nations. Hussein captured on Dec., 2003. In 2004 he was transferred to Iraq legal custady and was tried for crime
  • U.N. begins bombing against Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait

    On August 8th, the first US Air Force fighter planes began arriving in Saudi Arabia as part of a military build up. Three days later King Lahd met with the US Secretary of Defense.
  • U.N. resolution 678

    The Resolution 678 was adopted by 12 votes to against Cuba, Yemen one for the Peoples Republic of China. China usually vetoed such Resolution against the state.Cuba did not support Resolution 678.