Period: to
America Becoming A New Power
The late 1800's and early 1900's were essential for the U.S. to become the country that it has become now. -
The Battle of Wounded Knee
Last signifigant battle between Native Americans and the U.S. -
First showing of a kinetoscope by Thomas Edison
General Electric is formed
Women get the right to vote in Colorado
First underground public transportation opens in Boston
U.S. Annexation of Hawaii
End of Spanish-American War
President McKinley is shot
McKinley dies. Theodore Roosevelt Becomes U.S. President
Benjamin Holt invents the Tractor
Las Vegas is formed
Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act
Wright brothers are the first people to create and fly a plane
First Model T is produced
Boy Scouts of America founded
Girl Scouts formed
Panama Canal is done
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
Beginning of WW1 -
Wilson declares neutrality
Bell and Thomas achieve the first telephone call between New York and San Francisco
The U.S.entered the war
German Surrender, end of WW1