amelia idealistic timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in 2002 on the 26th of June around 3:00 pm it took 11 hours because my head was too big and wouldn't come out. it was a very hard time because my dad was not there.
  • Accomplishments

    I was an upward cheerleader and graduated in 1st grade. I was a very wild child.
  • Graduation

    in 2021 I graduate high school and go to college to become a medical interpreter.
  • College

    In 2024 I would have finished college and became a medical interpreter and started to look for a house so I can move out of my apartment.
  • Jobs

    I got a job as a Medical Interpreter which means I sign for people in there doctor appointments since there is a communication barrier.
  • Marriage

    I would be married to my wife and we adopt one child and had our other child. Samantha will be 2 by now and Jacorman will be 4 and have started kindergarten.
  • Children

    Samantha's birthday is June 8th, 2026 and is now six and in kindergarten, Jacorman's birthday is July 8th, 2024 is eight and in second grade.
  • Retirement/Grandchildren

    I'm now 59 and retired my children are grown and have their own jobs and children. Samantha is 37 and has 1 child named sam after her and he is 12 years old and Jacorman is 39 and has 2 children named Jordan and collin who are twin brothers and they are 17 years old.