Amelia Earhart

  • Amelia Earhart is Born

    Amelia Earhart is Born
    Earhart was born in Atchison, Kansas.
  • Amelia is inspired by airplanes.

    Whle working as a nurse helping World War 1 pilots in Canada, Amelia attends an airshow with a friend and becomes interested in flying.
  • Amelia decides to become a pilot

    Amelia decides to become a pilot
    Amelia attends and Air Show with her dad. She had her first ride in an airplane and was hooked.
  • First flying lesson with Neta Snook.

  • Buys her first airplane, the Canary

  • issued pilot license

    issued pilot license
  • First solo around the Actlatic ocean

    Amilia is the first women to fly solo across the Aclantic ocean.
  • buys plane for her around the world flight

    buys plane for her around the world flight
    she calls it a flyin labatory .
  • Departs form myami Florida laned in Lea

  • Earhart Disappears

    Earhart Disappears
    Amelia Earhart disappears during her last flight. She is later delcared dead.
  • Amelia Earhart is declared dead.

    Amelia Earhart is declared dead.
    After her disappearance, Earhart is declared legally dead.
  • Amilia Earhart and fred noonan depart for Lea

    there destaion is Howland island