
  • 3.1 My Health

    I born early 2 months because I had a only 5% chance to live so my doctor had to do CS on my mom. I born with relux acid, asthmas, pneumonia, and heart murur. I was really sick bad and I had to have machine that jeep me alive and thats what cause me become Deaf. I had to stay in NICU for a few months and i was really small baby and I was very lucky to alive barely.
  • 6.2: Learning Disability

    I lost my hearing when I was on the machine that kept my heart beating when I was baby because I born 7 months early since I was really sick bad and almost die. But my parents dont care if I am deaf but they still love me.
  • 4.3: Language

    My native language was America Sign Language, my first word was more and i was about 6 months old. My family learn America Sign Language because I am Deaf.
    My second language is English
  • 4.1: My First Memory

    When i was very young, i remember that my family and I went to annual family vacation in Ocean Shores with everyone in my family. I remember my twin cousin and I played outside all day, the reason I remember this because it was so fun and I was very happy kid and do not cares about anything.
  • 5.1a: Child Attachment

    I was very shy girl when i was 5 years old, I always must to be with my mom all times and I hate to be with the strangers. I felt more safe with my mother than with the strangers.
    I always get scared of the strangers.
  • 4.2: Intelligence

    I think I excel at Interpersonal because I always help the people with problems and I loved to help out with people all times. When my friends had problems with something and I always help them to find solve.
  • 6.1b: My Birth Order

    I have 2 bothers and a sister, all of my family are hearing.
    My siblings love to learn ASL. I feel like I am very protective of of my siblings and I feel like I should be their role model. I want to show them good things and positive things.
  • 5.3a: Gender

    I always know myself as girl since i was younger. I like to wear clothes as girl.
    I like to be girl
    and have many friends.
  • 5.3b: Sexuality

    I always know myself as straight, I always liked the boys.
    I like to be with the boys
  • 5.2: Identity

    I never have experiences of identity confusion, I always know myself as straight. I like boys only. I know who I am and I am deaf and i have many identity myself but Never have experiences with crisis.
  • 5.1b: Adult Attachment

    I become more older and I feel fine with the strangers now
    I am still close with my mom but not need to be with her all times.
    I can go out by myself or talk with the strangers by myself. My mom and I can understand each other better because when i was young we couldn't have deep conversation till now.
  • 3.2 Older Adult Health

    My grandma recently passed away 4 years ago now, she died from liver disease My grandma was 63 years old, and she had many problems with her health lately in her life. She had a some kind of diabetic, and had to eat careful. She went to hospital for many times and I always see her in pain but she wont show it. It impacted on me because she was the most important person to me and my model role.
  • 6.3a: Impacted by Death

    My grandma recently passed away, she died from the liver disease and she was 63 years old. We were very close and I loved her so much. She was my role model, after she gone i just shut down everyone and felt lost and dont know what to do. I am getting better now but still miss her so much
  • 1.1 The Present

    My name is Amber-Marie Winkle, i am second year student at Gallaudet University. My major is Social Work with 2 minors of Family and Children Studies and Psychology . In the class, we learn about the characteristics of the life-span perspective. In the long time ago the limit age was 18 years old but now life expectancy is 79 years old. There is a period of development for babies. There are different ways how were children raised.
  • 6.1a: My Family

    I have my parents and 3 siblings.
    I am only one deaf in my family. My parents have been together for 13 years. They met in high school , the church dance. but total of they together is 23 years.
    I have my grandparents but my grandma recently pass away.
  • 2.1 Fertility

    My husband and I are trying to get pregnant, I am 25 years old and my husband is 27 years old, we wanted to have a children but I have hard time to get pregnant I have to do fertility process. First thing, we need to do parental diagnostic test to see if i have another problems or not. And i need go to do genetic counselor to see what's up.Then i will start fertilization process at doctor appointment. We know that fertility not always work all times fertilization is a long and slow process
  • 6.3b: My Death

    I hope i will still live till as i can but if i die then i prefer to be cremated and i want to everyone say something nice at my funeral