
Amber-Jean Vannatter

  • Babysitting

    I have been baysitting for 4 years now and it has taken a huge toll on my life. It is basically a job to me and I love it. This date was my 3 year of babysitting and I wouldn't change a thing.
  • Graduation!

    My grade 8 graduation! This event was so important to me because I got to spend the last day with all the people I cared about as we went our seperate ways to different schools. I ended up getting the Music and French award which I am so proud of and determined my career in french.
  • High School

    High School
    My first year of High School was probably one of the most stressfull years in my life. Being a freshman was a year to prove yourself and show people your true potential and character. I enjoyed every minute of grade 9 but I would never do it again. It was the creaziest and weirdest year and being know as a freshman was not fun.
  • 4th Trip To Dominican Republic

    4th Trip To Dominican Republic
    I have been to the Dominicn Republic 3 times now and I love it. The atmosphere is amazing and I can't wait to go back with my family.
  • Resume Handouts

    Resume Handouts
    I really want to have an actual job rather than babysitting all the time and put myself out there so hopefully I will get ajob soon.
  • My Sweet 16

    My Sweet 16
  • Drivers Licence

    Drivers Licence
    The day I turn 16 will be the best day. I will get my licence and my daddy will get me my car. I am so excited to learn how to drive.
  • Graduation!

  • Grade 12

    Grade 12
    I am so nerveous but excited to be in grade 12. I will be at the top of the school once again but have to set the best examples. My final year of highschool will always be bitter sweet, but I hope it will be the best experience of my life.
  • University

    By this time I would like to be in Texas for University for my teaching career.
  • Rest year

    Before I enter university,I want to take a year to evaluate my life and spend time with friends and family before I leave.
  • Job

    By the time I am out of University I hope to have found the right job for me that is going to set of my career. I am so excited to be a successful french teacher.
  • Married

    By this time I would like to be in a serious relationship or on my way to getting married. I will be 24 at the time and I think that would be a great time to get married.
  • Kids!

    No father likes to hear this but when I am 26 I would like to be having a child or thinking about children. They are a good aspect to life and I love children to bits!