Flight to Bahamas
We took American Airlines flight 4269 from Miami to the Bahamas. It left at 7:20 a.m. and we arrived at the Nassau Airport around 8:18 a.m . -
On our way to Cat Island
8:45 a.m. We took a taxi to Cat Island. It was 177 miles and we arrived at 10:45a.m. -
Bush Medicine Challenge
Our challenge was to create Bush Medicine which uses plants for medical purposes. Bush Medicine relates to Human Geography by AGRICULUTRE (is the tending of crops and live stock to produce food and fuel). Bush Medicine plants are crops. Bush Medicine plants were planted by ORGANIC AGRICULUTRE- (the production of crops without the use of unattrual pestides and fertizillers). Bush Medicine is an innovation after the FIRST ARGICULUTRAL REVOLTION- (the planting of seed crops) . -
After the challenge we took a taxi back to Nassau which was from 3:15-5:30pm. We had dinner at a cafe and it cost $36.00 dollars from 5:30-6:30pm. -
Flight to Brazil
After we ate we took an Americsn Airlines flight from Nassau to Brazil 7:00pm to 11:35am. The flight was 13 hours and the flight number was 4318. -
Period: to
Around the world in 7 days
Arrival in Brazil
The picture shows a large scale map of Brazil. Once we arrived took a taxi to a parade which cost $10.00. The March of Jesus Parade started at 12:00 pm. -
March of Jesus Parade Challenge
Once we arrived we particpated in the March to Jesus Parade. The March of Jesus Parade is a gathering of Chirstains in Brazil . They march to spread their beliefs of God around Sao Paulo. It relates to Human Geography through....
RELIGION- (the belief sets of a person). The people express CHIRSTIANITY-( a religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ). Chirstianity is an example of a MONOTHESTISIC RELIGION- (a religion based on only one god). -
After the Parade
After the March of Jesus Parade we took a taxi to a cafe in Sao Paulo which cost $13.00. At 5:00pm we ate dinner which cost $3.00 each. Once we finished eating we took a taxi to the Saa Paulo Aiport which cost $36.00. We arrived at the airport at 5:30pm -
Flight to Amesterdam
We arrived at the airport early and it took two hours and fifty minutes to go through customs and board the plane. We flew on American Airlines flight 3155 from 11:50pm - 12:33am. -
Arrival to Amesterdam and flight to Dublin
When we arrived in the Amersterdam airport we had to board the American Airlines flight number 1117 to Dublin. The flight left at 12:33am and we arrived in Dublin at 1:30pm which was fourteen hours -
Arrival in Dublin Ireland
We arrived in Dublin Ireland. After we arrived we took a taxi to O'donoghue's Bar which cost $30.00. It was 9.7miles. We get to the bar at 2:00pm , -
Drinking Contest Challenge
Once we got there our challenge was a drinking contest called Quarters.
For the people of Dublin its a CULTURE TRAIT(a trait from a person's culture) , Ireland is known for drinking and whisky is its CULTURTE ARTIFIACT (a item that reveals vauladble information about a person's culture), and finaly the bahavior expressed from the whisky is part of their CULTURE(ideas, customs, and soical behavior of a society). -
After the Contest
The drinking contest ended at 4:00pm we took a taxi to our hotel which cost $7.00 and we stayed the night at the hotel for a cost of $93.00. -
On our way to the next destination
After our stay at our hotel we took a taxi to the aiport which cost $13.00 at 6:30a.m. We arrived there at 7:10a.m. We took flight 5-A320 at 11:20a.m and we ate on the plane. It was a three hour flight to London -
Roof Thatching Challenge
We the started the Roof Thatching Challenge at 3:00pm. Roof thatching uses to wood to make a roof. Roof Thatching is an example of CULTURE LANDSCAPE(the visual imprint of a culture on a landscape) London Roof Thatching has a distinct style compared to others. FOLK CULTURE(a type of culture that has small rural traditions) . The use of wood from trees as opposed to cement tiles. DTM(a model that shows the different stages of society stage two). We left the challenge at 8pm. -
Arival in London and going to next challenge
Once we arrived in London we took a taxi to Wrafton which cost $262.00. We got there at 3:00pm to begin the challenge . -
After the challenge
Above shows a large scale map of Wrapton. We take a taxi from Wrapton to Birmingham which takes 3 hours and cost $183.00 dollars. . We arrived at the Hotel Hyatt at 11:00 p.m and spent the night. The night stay costed $131.00 dollars. -
Flight to Tokyo
After our night stay at Hotel Hyatt we took a taxi to the airport which cost $15.00..We took Lufthash 959 AIRBUS A340. Our flight to Tokyo was 17 hours and 50 minutes. -
Off to Bones Animae Studios
When we arrived in Tokyo we took a taxi to Bones Animae Studios which cost $40.00. It was a nice 1 hour and 40 minute drive. -
Animae Challenge
When we arrived at Bones Animae Studios we faced the challenge of designing our own animae characters. Animae primarily caters to the Asian RACE(the assigned indentity of a person), Animae is based on the Japanese ETHNICITY(a person's orignal culture group). However animae caters to both GENDERS(the sex of a person). The character design challenge ended at 5:30pm and it lasted 7 hours. -
Done with all the challenges
After the Animae challenge we had to got back to the hotel which cost $50.00 and we got there at 6:30pm. At the hotel we had a quick dinner which cost $50.00 and we stayed the night. -
Flying Home part one
After our night at the hotel we took a taxi which cost $55.00 and that was a half hour. We got there at 5:00pm and then we took a nice long break . Our fllght was at 6:30pm flight number Boeing 777. -
Flying Home part two
Since our flight home was almost 12 hours we had three lay overs
One was 2 hours and thirty minutes. Another layover was from 5:40-9:03pm flight number AAB0. And the last layover was from 9:40- !0:44pm flight number AA 1585 . We are home at 10:44pm -
Back in Maimi
Finally we completed this amazing journey around the world and now we are back home to share our adventures with freinds and family.