Sugar Act
Parliment passed this act as a tax on goods such as sugar, coffe, molassas, and wine. This was the first act passed for the colonies that was created just to collect revenue. Brittish ofiicials had to start checking ships because of the increased smuggling to avvoid the tax. -
Stamp Act
PAssed by Parliment, this act was a tax on all papers, stamps, newspapers, or official documents. Colonists who refused to buy these items were sent to jail. This was passed as away to collect revenue from the colonies because the Brittish Government wanted more moneyy from the colonists. Suprizingly for the Brittish, it was highly protested. After a meeting in Massechusetts held by colonists that argued it was a violation of thier rights, it was repealed in 1766. -
Sons of Liberty
This organization of patriots was created to cause and speakbabout agitation of the Stamp Act. These men wanted a group to oppose the unfair Brittish laws and taxes and it soon grew very large spreading across multiple colonies. -
Townshend Acts
Parliment passed the Townshend Acts in 1768 effective in all coonies. These acts put a tax on everyday items such as glass, paper, lead, paints, and tea. These acts angered the colonists because of the cost and this started a boycott of brittish goods. -
Boston Massecre
With an increased presance of Brittish soldiers in Boston, the colonists saw them as a threat to thier lifestyle and both sides resented eachother. Fights were frequent and on March 5 in a city square in Boston, colonists trowing snowballs at soldiers were shot at by the soldiers. Five were killed and this sparked a chain of stories in the newspapersaabout the bloody massecre. -
Committee of Correspondence
Founded by Samuel Adams and twenty other patroits, the Committee of Correspondance was created as a collective resistance to the Brittish. Its first meetings were held in Boston although all of the colonies were involved, and they dissgused the importance of town meeting to get the colonists involved. After the Boston Tea Party on December 16 1773, this committee was in charge of managing the the 'tea crisis." -
Tea Act
The Brittish Parliment passed this act not as a revenue collector, but as a way to sell the East India companies' tea. The act dictated that the tea be sent directly to the colonies and sold at a low price. Thjis angered the colonists because the cheap tea would put the local tea merchants out of business. This act was in effect in all of the colonies, but in cities especially with a large harbor. -
Boston Tea Party
The Sons of Liberty joined together in the Boston Harbor to dump tea into the harbor. This event took place in the middle of the night December 16, 1773. The colonists were angry at the tax on Brittish goods especially tea brought on by the Tea Act. A large shippment of tea had arrivede in the harbor but could not be unloaded becase the taxes weren't paid. Several colonists in the Sons of Liberty dressed up as indians and dumped all the boxes of tea into the harbor. -
Intolerable Acts
Brittish Parliment, lead by the Prime Minister Lord North, passed these acts as punishments for the colonists after the Boston Tea Party. The colonists had to pay for the ruined tea, Royal officials went back to england to face punishment to have an easier sentance, the Massachusetts' legislature was cancelled and there was a new governer of Massechusetts. Two new acts also came into play. The Quartering Act forced colonists to house brittish soldiers, and the Quebec Act gave more land to the -
First Continental Congress
This meeting met at Carpenter's hall from September 5 to October 26, 1774. It was made up of elected delegates from all the thirteencolonies but Georgia elected by the people. The congress was made to decide the degree of separation from Brittin was appropriate of nessicary at all.