My First TV
I received my first tv when I was in fifth grade. I wanted to have a tv in my room like my older sister, so my parents got me a Sony box tv for Christmas that year. The picture is from Pinterest.com. -
My first Gaming System
The first gaming system that I owned was the PlayStation 2. This system came out in 2000, and I received it in June of 2001. I was very excited to start playing games like my friends. This gaming system is not used in our world today. -
My First Cell Phone
I received my first cell phone when I was in sixth grade, and I was extremely excited. My parents wanted me to have a way to contact them while staying after school for sports in case there was an emergency. They bought me the Nokia 5165 TDMA cell phone. We no longer use this type of cell phone today. This picture is from ebay.com. -
My First iPhone
I received my first iPhone for Christmas when I was in ninth grade. I upgraded from my Nokia to the iPhone 3, and I was so excited. I could finally do more on my phone than make calls, text, and play games. This picture came from ebay.com. -
My First Laptop Computer
I received my first laptop computer the summer before I went to college. My parents bought me a DELL laptop to take to college with me so that I could easily do my assignments. I was happy to have a laptop instead of a huge desktop computer to take to and from college. The picture is from notebooks-center.com. -
First Experience Using a SmartBoard
I enrolled in the education department at West Liberty University in the fall of 2011. While I was there, I frequently was able to use their SmartBoards to assist with my teaching. This tool allows students to take control of their learning, and they are able to learn independently. This picture is from Indiamart.com