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Alzheimers Through History

  • First to learn Psychology

    G. Stanley Hall becomes the first American to earn a Ph.D. in psychology. He would eventually found the American Psychological Association.
  • Psychology Labs are established

    Wilhelm Wundt established the first experimental psychology lab in Leipzig, Germany dedicated to the study of structuralism. The event is considered the starting point of psychology as a separate science.
  • Psychology in Universities

    G. Stanley Hall opens the first experimental psychology lab in the U.S. at John Hopkins University.
  • Publication of Psychology

    Herman Ebbinghaus publishes his seminal "Über das Gedächtnis" ("On Memory") in which he describes learning and memory experiments he conducted on himself.
  • Psychological Therapy Begins

    Sigmund Freud begins offering therapy to patients in Vienna, Austria.
  • Teachings of Psychology

    James McKeen Cattell becomes the first professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. He would later publish "Mental Tests and Measurements" marking the advent of psychological assessment.
  • Principles of Psychology

    William James publishes "Principles of Psychology." Sir Francis Galton establishes correlation techniques to better understand the relationships between variables in intelligence studies.
  • American Psychological Association is formed

    G. Stanley Hall forms the American Psychological Association (APA), enlisting 42 members
  • Diagnosing

    Alfred Binet forms the first psychology lab devoted to psychodiagnosis.
  • Law of Effect is created

    Edward Thorndike develops the Law of Effect.
    What is the Law of Effect?