Aly's timeline

  • start high school

    start high school
    started high school at St. Josephes
  • Period: to

    10 year timeline

  • stareted at new school

    stareted at new school
    transfered to parkside
  • made a resume

    made a resume
    made a resume on this day
  • handed out resumes

    went to places and handed out my resumes
  • get married

  • get part tie job

    get part tie job
  • finished volnteer hours

    finished volnteer hours
    an hour a week coaching soccer in Talbot Ville
  • drivers license G1

    drivers license G1
  • buy first car

    buy first car
    getting a car
  • graduate high school

    graduate high school
    graduate from highschool
  • collage

    go to collage for 4 years to be a therapist
  • travel to a few places

    travel to a few places
    travel with y best friend :)
  • move into apartment

    move into apartment
    move into apartment
  • start job

    start job
    start job as a therapist
  • move to the country

    buy a big house