200 BCE
Water Energy is Harnessed in Europe
Mills were powered in Europe by water energy. It was the first use of renewable energy. -
Windmills in Persia
To pump water and grind grain, Persians built windmills. The use of windmills spread to other parts of the world after this, such as India and China. -
Dutch Build Windmills
In the Netherlands, windmills were being constructed for multiple uses such as grinding grain and spices, sawing wood and raising the water level. -
Windmills in the West
Western homesteaders and railroad builders start using windmills, which had become a popular water pumping tool. -
Solar Power System Developed
Augustine Mouchot created a system that utilised the sun's heat to produce steam to drive machinery -
First Demonstration of Generating Electricity from Sunlight
A selenium solar cell was utilised to convert sunlight into electricity for the first time. -
First Commercial Scale Hydroelectric Plant
The hydroelectric plant went into operation in Appleton Wisconsin. -
WIndmill Used to Generate Electricity
In Cleveland, Ohio, Charles F. Brush created the first windmill to generate electricity. -
First Geothermal District Heating System
In Boise, Idaho, the first heating system that utilised geothermal energy was created. -
First Geothermal Power Plant
A power plant in California utilised geysers to generate electricity. -
Commercial Wind Turbines Sold
For the first time, commercially available wind turbines were developed and sold to generate electricity on remote farms. -
Hoover Dam Built
The world's largest hydroelectric power plant, Hoover Dam, underwent construction for four years before being completed. -
Controlled Nuclear Chain Reaction
For the first time, nuclear fission was controlled, and opportunities to generate electricity arose. -
Nuclear Power Reactor Built
For the first time, a nuclear power reactor was created to generate electricity in Idaho. -
Satellite Utilizes Solar Cells
A US satellite that was in orbit used the sunlight to generate electricity to power itself. -
Geothermal Electric Plants Built Commercially
Geothermal electric plants were built in California using geysers. -
Solar Cells Lower Price
Solar cells became more cost effective for use on land, and so it was utilised by more people -
Wind Energy Development Advances
Advancement in wind energy technology stemmed from federal involvement. -
Solar Powered Village
Tohono O'odham Reservation, Arizona, was the first fully solar powered village. -
Wind Farm Built
The world's first wind farm was constructed in New Hampshire. -
Chernobyl Accident
The Chernobyl incident was the largest nuclear accident ever, and took place in Chernobyl in the Soviet Union. -
Ivanpah Goes Online
The largest solar power generation plant begins to generate electricity. -
New Mexico Commits To Use 100% Renewable Energy
The state of New Mexico has vowed to use 100% renewable energy by the year 2050.