TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
Made to provide jobs in electricity to the state of Tennesee -
Federal Aviation Administration
Made to manage airplane travel in the USA -
EBA Emergency Bank Act
an act made to relieve the at the time banking disaster -
CCC Civilian Conservation Corp
A volunteer organization meant to help put young unmarried men back to work. Accepting people from 17-28 to do manual labor for money -
WPA Works Project Administration
An agency responsible for hiring job-seeking men to work on public projects like infrastructure and public buildings. -
AAA Agricultural Adjustment Act
An act passed by Congress meant to raise agricultural prices by reducing surplus that farmers kept -
FCA Farm Credit Act
gave very lenient loans to farmers to help raise their credit -
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Act
An act made to prevent something like the depression from happening again insuring every American that at most 250,000 dollars will be insured in the case of a bank closing. -
PWA Public Works Administration
Agency headed with the task of building public works across the USA -
NRA National Recovery Association
An agency meant to end cut-throat competition by establishing prices and regulating fair practices. -
A very short-lived program to create heavy labor jobs to help ease the winter of 1933. It was temporary work so people could afford to keep heating and electricity on. -
FCC Federal Communications Commission
Made to improve the United States' technological infrastructure through regulations of the radio and as a result bolster national defense. -
SEC Security and Exchange commission
Regulated the stock exchange to prevent further stock market calamities -
SSA Social Security Act
The Social Security Act established Social Security which made retirement a better possibility as well as sick leave workman's comp and other benefits we enjoy today. -
United States Housing Authority
A loan program to construct more low-cost housing in the USA for communities in need