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Alpha Phi Omega National & Lambda Omega Chapter History

By apojess
  • Alpha Phi Omega Founded

    Alpha Phi Omega Founded
    Founded at Lafayette College in Easton Pennsylvania.
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    National Office Located at Carnegie Library of Homestead, Munhall, Pennsylvania

  • Lambda Omega Chapter Founded

  • Lambda Omega Chapter Folded

  • Lambda Omega Chapter Rechartered

  • Loss of Lambda Omega Office

  • Delta Gamma Class Becomes Brothers

    Brothers Include: Sarah Hartman, Brian Lane, Jessica Lane, Jordan Verbofsky, Kevin Wagner, Ashley Dusak, Kayla Harasty, Shawn Sejpal, Courtney Crouse
  • Sheleta Webb beomes advsior

  • Delta Delta Class Becomes Brothers

    Brothers Include: Casey Zuzak, Danielle Garrett, Amy Alberts, Donald Marszalek, James Renninger, Amanda Buscemi, Donniele Mills
  • Delta Epsilon Class Becomes Brothers

    Brothers Include: Daniel King, Benjamin Baker, Travis Michels, William Roesner, Maggie Matthews, Kenneth Harper, Paul Turano, Coletta Derito
  • Delta Zeta Class Becomes Brothers

    Brothers Include: Lindsey Dierolf, Jessica Dziak, Katie Kruczek,
  • Delta Eta Class Becomes Brothers

    Fall 2008 Class. Brothers Include: Alyssa Sharadong
  • Lambda Omega Recieves Spring Youth Service Day Grant

    Lambda Omega Recieves Spring Youth Service Day Grant
    Chapter becomes a featured project for a community Easter Egg Hunt.
  • Lambda Omega Hosts Section 65/66 Conference

    Theme is "Hotel California"
  • Marcia & Doug Hoover become advisor

    Marcia & Doug Hoover become advisor
  • Delta Theta Class Becomes Brothers

    Delta Theta Class Becomes Brothers
    Brothers include: Derise Danch, Sarah Bauer, Erica Beitel
  • Service Project: Boy Scout Merit Badge

    Helped Boy Scouts on Environmental Merit Badge
  • Brothers Attend Region V Conference

    Brothers in attendance: Jessica Lane, Erica Beitel. Held in Cleveland at Case Western Reserve.
  • Delta Iota Class Becomes Brothers

    Brothers include: Samantha Leitao.
  • Delta Kappa Class Becomes Brothers

    Brothers Include: Lisa Crago, Chard Morrow, Jennifer Murphy, Angelina Lorenzo, Johnathyn Simpson
  • UMOC (modification) Begins

    "Coin War" event held on campus.
  • Delta Lambda Class Becomes Brothers

    Delta Lambda Class Becomes Brothers
    Brothers Include: Christina Sadler, Brianna Circle, Erin Morrison, Elisa Karafilis
  • Brothers Attend 2010 National Convention

    Brothers Attend 2010 National Convention
    Atlanta, GA. Brothers in attendance: Jessica Lane, Katie Mercadante, Jordan Verbofsky. Katie serves as Region V Delegate to Time & Place Reference Commitee, Jess serves as Region V Delegate to Service Reference Committee
  • Ginny Milne becomes Advisor

    Ginny Milne becomes Advisor
  • Ginny Milne Elected Section 66 Chair

    Ginny Milne Elected Section 66 Chair
    Section 65/66 Conference held at IUP.
  • Bots IQ Service Event

  • Chapter Participates in Relay For Life

    Chapter raises: $ , The chapter raised funds through personal donations, selling hot apple cider at relay, and selling hot dogs on Mondays in Eberly
  • Lambda Omega Celebrates 55th Anniversary

    Lambda Omega Celebrates 55th Anniversary
  • Katie Mercadante Awarded Lambda Omega DSK

  • SYSD Project

    Brothers read "The Hungry Caterpillar" and did art and crafts.
  • Delta Mu Class Becomes Brother

    Brothers Include: Jacob Smith, Gregory Wherley, Zachary Kurta
  • Homecoming Weekend Alumni Events

    Chapter holds parade watching, tailgating, and attends the game with alumni!
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    Susan G. Komen Project

    Chapter Raises $222.22 for Susan G. Komen Foundation.
  • Ronald McDonald House

    Chapter serves lunch at RMHC Pittsburgh
  • Pulsear Sale Begins

    Pulsear Sale Begins
    $5 Bracelets sold in Union. All proceeds go to Pulsera Project benefiting Nicaragua children.
  • Region V Conference

    Region V Conference
    Lexington, KY. Brothers John Simpson & Jake Smith attend.