Paul Enlists
Paul enlists’ in the war because of his teacher, Kantorek. "Naturally we couldn't blame Kantorek for this. Where would the world be if one brought every man to book?" -
Relieve the Front Line
Paul and his close friends had to relieve the front line for a few days, and on the last day, the English had caused them to suffer severely, starting with 150 men, ending with only 80 strong. “It was fairly quiet on our sector, so the quartermaster who remained in the rear had requisitioned the usual quantity of rations and provided for the full company of one hundred and fifty men.” -
Kemmerich's Death
Kemmerich passes with an amputated leg. He tells Paul to take his boots for Müller and to send his watch home if they find it. “We are by Kemmerich's bed. He is dead. The face is still wet from the tears.” -
The Bombardment
The bombardment happens around 10:00 that night and lastsed for a few hours, leaving the reinforcements shaken. ""There'll be a bombardment." Perhaps it is our inner and most secret life that shivers and falls on guard." -
Bull Dog Attack
A bulldog attacks Paul while him and Kat are goose hunting "It's a bull dog. After an eternity he withdraws his head and sits down beside me. But if I make the least movement he growls." -
A barrage begins early the next morning, starting with heavy fire, and is followed by an attack. "It's unendurable. It is the moaning of the world, it is the martyred creation, wild with anguish, filled with terror, and groaning.” -
The Reinforcements
The reinforcements come in and begin their inspection from Paul and his friends. “We stroll past the horse-boxes and go over to the reinforcements, who are already being issued with gas masks and coffee.” -
The Graveyard
Paul and some other soldiers have to hide in a graveyard for a bombardment. They use coffins and the graves for cover. "The fields are flat, the wood is too distant and dangerous--the only cover is the graveyard and the mounds." -
Paul goes on leave for 14 days. He gets to visit his mother and do other great things. Even though he isn't at war, he though about it 24/7. "There is a distance, a veil between us. " -
The Prisoners
After Paul was sent back, they sent him to a camp, where they had French prisoners. They were scared and hungry, but Paul decided to be kind and lend them some things, "They comfort me; it looks as though there were little windows in dark village cottages saying that behind them are rooms full of peace." -
French Soldier
While Paul is sent to find the enimies new position, a French Soldier falls in the same crater as Paul. Without thinking, Paul pulls out his knife and begins to stab the man to death. But, afterwards, he felt a deep regret. "If you jumped in here again, I would not do it," -
Paul realizes that in order to survive the war, the soldiers become animals. "We reach the zone where the front begins and become on the instant human animals." -
The Rats
Paul and some soldiers are in a trench, just waiting. If they drop one single piece of bread, a rat will take it as soon as it hits the ground. "The rats here are particularly repulsive, they are so fat--the kind we all call corpse-rats." -
No Man's Land
After Behm was shot in the eye during an attack, they left him to die. Later that day, they found him crawling around in No Man's Land, only being knocked unconscious. But, since he could not see, he was shot dead before help could arrive. "Strange to say, Behm was one of the first to fall." -
Another One Dead
Paul details the gory deaths of Detering, Berger, Muller and the others. "The months pass by. The summer of 1918 is the most bloody and the most terrible." -
French Women
While Paul and his friends are swimming, three French women come and walk along side the river. They join the men and have a good time. "Although the water is cold we are very jovial and do our best to interest them so that they will stay." -
Kat's Death
While Kat was bringing food, he was shot in the shin. The wound starts to bleed, so, Paul carries him to help. Along the way, he didn't notice that Kat was hit in the head with a splinter, which killed him. "Do I walk? Have I feet still? I raise my eyes, I let them move round, and turn myself with them, one circle, one circle, and I stand in the midst. All is as usual. Only the Militiaman Stanislaus Katczinsky has died." -
Evacuating the Village
Paul and his men are sent to the front line to evacuate the near by village that is in danger. "We are marching in column; the French certainly will not fire on a town in which there are still inhabitants. But a few minutes later the air screams, the earth heaves, cries ring out; a shell has landed among our rear squad." -
In a different battle, Albert and Paul are both injured. Paul will not let the doctors knock him out for the operation. "My bones will not grow together, so the surgeon's secretary says." -
All Quiet on the Western Front
Paul passes away because he had swalloed lethal gas. "He had fallen forward and lay on the earth as though sleeping."