When i was born
I was born around 2 pm. -
My first pet
My first pet was a husky. His name was Spikie. -
My dog saved me
My dog Spikie. Saved my life when another dog was going to attack me. I'll never forget this. -
First Movie
I went to the movies for my first time when I was 4 years old. -
First day of school
I was happy to go to school. -
Period: to
My Dream came true
My dream was to figure skating. I can't believed it. But had to stop because it was too expensive. -
Disney world
I was in 2nd grade. When I went to Disney World with my BFF's. -
I was a flower girl
My Aunt's wedding was amazing. I was a flower girl for my first time. -
New York
When I was in 5th grade I went to New York. As a family trip. -
I met Jocelynn in 5th grade. We went to summer school together. -
My first time going to a spa. I was the best spa i very went. I went with my mom. -
Me and my mom
Mom and i went to the mall and then the movies. -
Jr. High
My first year of Jr. High. Was a little scary for me. But at the end I really liked it. But now i don't. -
Dad and me
My dad took me to the movies and then to Cheddar's. -
Period: to
Science Fair
Magdalene and I were partners in Science Fair. We went to Regionals. And we pass with Devin and 2 other kids from high school. We went to State but didn't made 1, 2, nor 3.