All About Me

  • I Was Born

    I was born in garden grove. I was the 2nd child born. I was born around 12:00 am
  • i got my first pet

    My first pet was a fish idk what type it was but i named it bebe. i had her for like a week. it was really my sisters but she wouldnt really take care of it. i ended up killing it tho because i kept taking it out
  • First day of school !

    My teachers name was mrs. okeyo. It was also the first time I was really away from my mom and I was mostly crying the whole day. I met lots of new kids though and that was really cool.
  • my bestfriend:)))

    i met my best friend in kinder but remember everything. i was always alone in kinder so id be sad most of the time there. But this one day some girl with really long hair said something like u wanna come play with me so i was like yeah you know. so we started to hang out more and we'd always play with each other. and we were really like sisters. but im really glad at met her she made kinder so much more fun and all.
  • 10 years oldd

    When i turned 10 i was super happy and all bc i finally had a 2 digit number. I had like this huge party and mostly all my friends came then some of them got to sleepover.
  • I Moved Schools.

    i was like 11 and i was in 5th grade, i moved like in the end of 5th grade and i had been in the same school throughout like my whole elementary years. I had a lot of friends there and I like most my my teachers that i had ever had there. i had a lot of problems in that school though so it was kinda nice that i moved but it was also very sad.