All about me

  • I was born

    I was born
  • Traveled for the 1st time

    Traveled for the 1st time
    It was the first time I went to Bulgaria. I got to meet my aunts, uncles, and grandparent. It gave me a sense of my culture as past of my Identity.
  • my great Grandmother

    my great Grandmother
    She took care of me when I was a baby and every time I go to Europe I would see her. She had a huge impact what I wanted to be when I grow up based on the stories she would tell me of her being a nurse and helping people.
  • I learned that i was a social butterfly

  • Going to BG school

    Going to BG school
    Feeling the need to belong with a particular culture was problematic for me growing up. I felt like a Hybrid! Being both Bulgarian and American runs through me. When I went to BG school I felt like I belonged and that I wasn't the only one split between two cultures
  • My baby brother.

    My baby brother.
    my baby brother was born on August 27th 20013. Being a big sister means growing up fast and taking care of your younger siblings as if they were your own. I love him with all my heart even though we fight constantly.
  • I learned to be patient

  • i learned to be caring

  • Going to Bulgaria for 3 years!

    Going to Bulgaria for 3 years!
    It broadened my understanding of the world. I inquired a lot from going to school over there. It changed my perspective of the world. It made me more understanding, open-minded,caring and I made lifelong friends.
  • I learned to not care about other people's opinions

  • From Just for fun to Competitive skiing!

    From Just for fun to Competitive skiing!
    Ever since I was 6 I would go skiing with my dad! The feeling of being up on that hill. Being scared at first(I have a fear of heights) to going down the hills and having that adrenaline pulsing through your veins and knowing that you did it is exhilarating! I wanted to pursue. Fortunately it wasn't that expensive but from the Midwestern part of the states to go to actual mountains is hard! At that moment you realize that your just a tiny speck compared to the might of nature!
  • I learned to push myself no matter how hard the task is at hand

  • I learned to respect myself through my chothing

  • My grandmother and Nikol

    She passed that summer along with my grandmother. I held major grudges back then and unfortunately with them as well. I wish I was kinder to both and I wish I realized sooner that I shouldn't hold grudges for so long because having a relationship no matter what kind is more important than the rocky areas you go through.
  • Coming back for Junior and Senior year.

    Coming back for Junior and Senior year.
    After being gone for 3 years I came back.
    There is no place like home!
  • I learned to be reflective

  • I learned to be straightforward

  • Baraboo Wisconsin

    Baraboo Wisconsin
    Thinking that ,compared to Bulgaria, America has no mountains and no extreme hills is the worst thing I did to myself. We went camping for 2 days at Baraboo Wisconsin. That same afternoon we went hiking. What I wasn't mentally prepared for was that hike being climbing cliffs. I was terrified because it was raining and very slippery. I'm glad I overcame it though. I will never underestimate natures impact on the US ever again!
  • I learned to be a risk taker

  • Learned how to be patient. I just choose not to