All about me

  • I was born

    I was born
  • I got a gamecube

    I got a gamecube
  • Got glasses

    Got glasses
  • I got a bopit

    I got a bopit
  • slid under a car

    slid under a car
  • My gramma and grampa went canoeing and we tipped over

    My gramma and grampa went canoeing and we tipped over
  • I got a 3DS

    I got a 3DS
  • Got a bloody nose from a fall

    Got a bloody nose from a fall
  • 6th grade camp

  • Went to Disneyland

  • I got into a go kart crash

  • Starting Bowling

    Starting Bowling
  • Step on a Toad

    Step on a Toad
  • Vacation to Hawaii

    Vacation to Hawaii