All About Me

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    On Wednesday July 13, 1994, my parents’ life had changed. At 11:28, I entered the world and ten minutes later my identical twin sister Allie came in the world.
  • First Job

    First Job
    At fifteen and a half, I decided to become a certified lifeguard. I was a lifeguard at Porter Township Community Pool in Wheelersburg for five years. I am currently a lifeguard for Shawnee State University.
  • Becoming a Teacher

    Becoming a Teacher
    As a child, I had always wondered what I would be when I grow up. When I was about five years old, I wanted to be a cosmetologist. However, that dream has changed when I got older and throughout my life I had many different dreams. I remember wanting to be a nurse, a basketball player and dancer. It was when I finally entered high school that I realized that I loved working with little kids and teaching them to learn; and I want to do this for the rest of my life.
  • Transformation

    When growing up, I always had a problem with my weight. Finally one day I decided to change for the better. I am proud to say I am now sixty pounds lighter and I am feeling great about myself. I love the girl looking back at me now. I still eat what I want but I just eat less of it. I have come to love exercising as it is my way of getting my alone time and ridding myself of the stress of the day. I am very proud of myself for what I have accomplished.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I graduated from Wheelersburg High School.
  • I'm going to be an AUNT!!!!

    I'm going to be an AUNT!!!!
    When I found out that I'm going to be an aunt times two. My brother and his girlfriend told us they were expecting a baby girl named Emma Kay in October. A few days later, my sister and her husband told us they were expecting a baby boy named Grayson Garrett in November.
  • EDRE2204

    I am so excited for this course! I hope to learn a better understanding of phonics and also how to teach phonics to my future kids.