Period: Sep 1, 1000 to
Then And Now
Jan 1, 1001
Since the begining
When did art start? Cave paintings over 30,000 years old have been found over the past years. -
Jan 1, 1200
Beging of a revival
At this point, People looked at Roman and Greek art for inspiration. Very little people were trying to explore other styles of art. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Reanisaance Art
During this era, art was just expanding, before this, in what people call the post renaissance time, scholars were just trying to open up to the idea of great art. This was said to be the date of great artists. -
Dec 21, 1401
Masaccio was too a religious painter. He painted the Holy Trinity and the Tribute Money. -
Apr 15, 1452
Leonardo Da Vinci
Though It was mainly religious art, it was treasured. He painted the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Virgin Of Rocks, and The Baptism of Christ -
Mar 6, 1475
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Michaelanglo was a great Artist and sculpter, He painted The Sistine Chapel, David, Pieta, And the Creation Of Adam. -
Sep 5, 1485
Tiziano Vecelli
Titian, known in English, was a painter, he also painted religious things. He made the Assumption of the Virgin, and Christ carrying the cross. He was one of the few people to use oil painting. -
Jan 1, 1500
Art wasn't the onlt ghing that was changed at the time, People also started to think for themselves. People started question instead of blindly following.They were religious because they wanted to be not becuase they were born into it. -
Period: to
To this day
Art Now
This man died of a stroke, but left a legacy. He was on of the few who did something different. -
Art and WW2
Art propaganda was used to try to justify why he was invading and killing. A lot of bad propaganda was used against the Jewish community. -
Art Revolution
CIA Weapon
When the coldwar started in 1945, America raced to try to be the best country -
Nicola Verlato
This man is one of the younger artist who use all types of tools to write. -
Marco Mazzoni
Marco's Work
He is an Italian artist who uses says a lot with the chance to show beauty.