Alexis - Vocabulary Timeline

By amc81
  • Professional

    CLEOPATRA Mike Maihack Just watch the professional do it.
    • of, relating to, or connected with a profession.
  • Certainly

    Child Of The Journey Janet Berliner And George Guthridge "We shalltalk more later,Otto,"Goebbels said,over his shoulder.The tall man clicked his heels."Certainly,Gauleiter.(in answer to a question or command) yes; by all means.
  • Glance

    Fire World Chris D'Lacey
    He thought to glance out the window as the daisy horizon was shrinking.
    -hit something at an angle and bounce off obliquely.
  • Disapointment

    Ice Fire Chris D'Lacey His mouth turned down in a curve of disapointment. The feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the nonfulfillment of one's hopes or expectations.
  • Ignored

    Ice Fire Chris D'Lacey Ignored the rumble and frowned in disbelief.refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.
  • Poisoned

    Ice Fire Chris D'Lacey We'll all be poisoned.adulterate or contaminate (food or drink) with poison.
  • Process

    Ice Fire Chris D'Lacey And almost dripped over Lucey in the Process.A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.
  • Conflict

    Memories of Vietnam Ellen Weiss When the Conflict began U.S. sent soldiers to defend South Vietnam.A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
  • Steal

    The Greek Gods William Hunter "You murder me now and steal my throne.take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.
  • Dizziness

    "Johnny,"I managed to say,fighting the dizziness,"I think I'm going to be sick.A sensation of spinning around and losing one's balance.
  • Fountain

    The Outsiders S.E.Hinton The next thing I new I was lying on a pavement beside the fountain,coughing water and gasping.An ornamental structure in a pool or lake from which one or more jets of water are pumped into the air.
  • Sobbed

    Crandalls Castle Betty Ren Wright He sobbed louder."Th-that's a dumb game!"Cry noisily, making loud, convulsive gasps.
  • Murmuring

    Crandalls Castle Betty Ren Wright The soft murmuring continued.A soft, low, or indistinct sound produced by a person or group of people speaking quietly or at a distance.
  • Enthusiasm

    Crandalls Castle Betty Ren Wright They sometimes aren't,but that enthusiasm is one of the things I love most about him."Intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
  • Muttered

    Crandalls Castle Betty Ren Wright 'She thinks were braking in"She muttered.say something in a low or barely audible voice, especially in dissatisfaction or irritation.
  • Investment

    Crandalls Castle Betty Ren Wright Who knew a good investment when they saw one.The action or process of investing money for profit or material result.
  • Xenophobia

    Intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.
  • Abdicate

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid fail to fulfill or undertake (a responsibility or duty).
  • Enthuisiastic

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid Jeff Kenny Mom didn't really say anything at first,but dad was pretty enthusiastic.Having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
  • Transient

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid Jeff Kenny These exploits, however, were transient in their effects.Lasting a very short time.
  • Inconsequential

    Lacking worth or importance.
  • Tactful

    Having a sense of what is considerate in dealing with others.
  • Exaggeration

    Diary of a wimpy kid the third wheel Jeff Kenny Mom would say that's an exaggeration,but all you have to do is check the tags in my underwear for proof.
  • Pertinent

    Coraline Dave McKean She has an uncanny way of sticking to pertinent details.You write about things that feel pertinent and urgent to you, and that varies depending on what stage of life you are going through.
  • Clammy

    More Bones Arielle North Pat was already clammy and shivering. Unpleasantly damp and sticky or slimy to touch.
  • Triumphantly

    Coraline Neil Gaiman She smiled triumphantly. In a way that shows great happiness or joy at a victory or achievement.
  • Flickering

    Coraline Dave McKean (of light or a source of light) shine unsteadily; vary rapidly in brightness.The candle cast huge,strange,flickering shadows along the wall.
  • Alternately

    Coraline Neil Gaiman So the crust was alternately thick and doughy and raw, or to thin and burnt. With two things continually following and succeeded by each other; one after the other.