Declan's Academia
Declan (age 9) struggles considerably in math class. Despite extra practice at home, Declan continues to receive poor grades. His teacher suggests that he spend his lunch period in the classroom to practice extra math problems. In Erikson’s fourth stage, industry versus inferiority, the crisis is whether one’s efforts will be praised and thus promote self-confidence (industry). Concern about one’s own competence, coupled with lack of praise of effort, may lead to a sense of inferiority. -
Declan Cohabitates
Declan (age 26) and his girlfriend, Kara, have decided to move in together after 18 months of dating. Declan and Kara have discussed marriage and are prepared to make the first step by learning to live together as a couple. In Erikson’s sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis involves the ability to create an intimate relationship with another person while maintaining your own identity. An inability/unwillingness to develop intimate relationships leads to loneliness and isolation. -
Declan, the Troop Leader
Declan (age 58) takes on the role as leader for his grandson’s boy scout troop. Declan is excited to pass on his knowledge of hiking and craftsmanship to the boys in his neighborhood. In Erikson’s seventh stage, generativity versus stagnation, the crisis involves one’s perspective on self versus group interests. You may assist younger generations by sharing your knowledge and wisdom (generativity), or you may choose to explore your own self-pleasure (stagnation) before your final years of life.