Subway hero video
Today we watched an interview of the Subway hero. This really kick started my project with a definite idea of what to look for in a hero. My hero has to be courageous and selfless. -
Period: to
Roy Benavides
Today was the Roy Benavides interview. This did the same thing as the Subway Hero video, but now I have to keep in mind that people can be professional heroes instead of people who walked in to a heroic situation. -
Narrowing choices
Today after the video yesterday I decided that I will probably do either a military or political hero. So far I am thinking of Napolean Bonaprte, Obama, George Washington, other presidents and other war heroes/generals. The only problem with generals and war heroes might be finding a long enough book, -
Narrower choices
Okay, definitely decided not to do a war hero. Too controversial and not enough info. I will be sticking to a politician, probably just a president. -
Kristi Quillen
Today we got to watch the interview with Kristi Quillen from the peace corps. Again, my view of heroism has been altered. She hasn't done any one thing that is impressively "heroic" but her entire series of actions in the peace corps has made her a hero. She hasn't necessarily saved anyone from immediate danger, but she is definitely changing lives. I still want to do a politician but they have to be someone who has changed many people's lives for the better. -
Library day one
Today we looked for books, and basically finalized our selections. I had to browse all of the books in the library because I still had virtually no idea who I would interview. I found a book on Napolean Bonaparte and held onto that for a short while, but I ended up putting it down. I decided that Napolean could be looked at as a despot by some, and didn't want to have a controversial essay subject. No luck yet today. -
Library day two.
I still looked for a hero up until today. I looked at president Obama briefly but felt he is too recent to write an essay on. I suddenly stumbled upon a book about Alexander the Great. He is considered by many to be the greatest military genius that has ever lived, as well as an amzingly cunning politician. Ancient Greece is a fascinating time in history, and now that I've made my decision I'm very excied to research. -
Change the World
Today we watched different videos in class on what it takes to change the world. I'm not really sure what I was supposed to get out of it sincetheme messages were really conflicted. I'm not sure whether to hug someone, get mad at people, or just do nothing. I will just stick to thinking that in order to change the world you have to devote your life to a cause, like Alexander of Macedon. -
Alexander takes Gaza
Today I read a very interesting passage in my book that I think speaks volumes about Alexander's personality. To summarize, Alexander's tutor told him not to waste spice until he conquered a spice bearing region. He took this to heart, and sent his tutor 17 tons of frankincense and myrh (alot of money) when he cdonquered the worlds biggest spice exporter, Gaza. I'm glad I read this, because it reinforces the idea that Alexander was interested in conquest for completely selfless reasons. -
Alexander the Hero
Today I started working on my heroes in literature essay. It just got me thinking again about what it truly means to be a hero, how many catergories there are, and which one my hero fits into. I'm just really glad that Alexander did so much for ther furtherance of his people. It will make writing on him much easier,