356 BCE
356 BCE Alexander is born
340 BCE
340 BCE Phillip goes to war
338 BCE
338 Fall BCE Phillips wedding night
338 BCE
338 Fall BCE Phillip takes Greece
338 BCE
338 BCE Phillip and Alexander go to war.
334 BCE
334 BCE Phillip is stabbed by bodyguard
334 BCE
334 BCE Persia is defeated
333 BCE
333 BCE War on Darius
332 BCE
332 BCE Alexander achieves what is thought to be possible
331 BCE
331 BCE Alexander goes on spiritual journey through Sahara Desert
330 BCE
330 BCE Alexander takes over Darius's Palace
330 BCE
330 BCE Summer Alexander officially rules Asia and tries to capture Darius
323 BCE
323 BCE Alexander announces who will be ruler and dies from illness
327 BCE Alexander takes a wife
324 BCE Alexanders friend dies of illness