Alexander the Great

  • 336 BCE

    He Becomes King

    Alexander's father, King Philip II of Macedonia, is killed by his bodyguard, leaving the kingdom to Alexander.
  • 334 BCE

    Alexander Conquers Persia

    Alexander crosses Hellespont into Anatolia. He wanted to take over the Persian Empire and King Darius III, but Darius didn't think Alexander was a threat, and sent other generals to fight him. Alexander beat them in the battle of Granicus.
  • 333 BCE

    Second Battle With Persia

    Alexander and Darius fight at Issus. Alexander beats Darius with the Phalanx formation and Darius flees. Alexander is unable to catch him, but catches his wife and children.
  • 333 BCE

    Attempted Peace Treaty

    Darius wants to get his family back and offers Alexander half of his kingdom, the land west of the Euphrates river, and attempts a peace treaty. Alexander rejects the treaty and challenges Darius to keep fighting.
  • 331 BCE

    Final Battle With Persia

    Persia and Macedonia fight again and Darius flees and dies. Alexander becomes king of Persia.
  • 331 BCE

    Alexander Conquers Egypt

    Alexander conquers Egypt and claims to be the son of Zeus-Ammos. He does'nt impose any religion on them and after designing Alexandria, leaves.
  • 330 BCE

    Alexander Conquers Indus Valley

    Alexander goes East and conquers more cities and names them all Alexandria. He eventually lands in Indus Valley in India and allowed conquered people to keeps their customs and religions. He even adopted to some of other culture along the way.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander's Death

    When they reached India, Alexanders soldiers wanted to go home. On their way back to Greece, Alexander gets sick and dies in Babylon, Iraq. He was 32.