Alexander The Great

  • 356 BCE

    Alexander's Birth

    Alexander's Birth
    Alexander was born in Pella, Greece, to Phillip II of Macedon and Olympias
  • Period: 356 BCE to 323 BCE

    Alexander The Great Lifespan

  • 336 BCE

    Alexander Becomes King

    Alexander Becomes King
    Two years after conquering Greece, King Phillip II was murdered. Alexander becomes king of Macedonia and Greece. Like his father, Alexander wants to conquer Persia.
  • 334 BCE

    The First Battle With Persia

    The First Battle With Persia
    Alexander crosses the Hellenspoint into Anatolia to defeat King Darius II, as well as conquer his empire. Darius sent other generals to fight Alexander but he quickly defeated them.
  • 333 BCE

    Second Battle With Persia

    Second Battle With Persia
    Alexander and Darius battle at Issus and Darius' army was bigger. Alexander used his phalanx formation to win. Darius ran and Alexander wasn't able to catch him, but was able to capture his wife and children.
  • 332 BCE

    Peace Treaty

    Peace Treaty
    Darius offered half of his kingdom in exchange for his family. Alexander refused and challenged him to keep fighting. Alexander wanted to conquer Persia.
  • 331 BCE

    Final Battle With Persia

    Final Battle With Persia
    Darius fled and died and Alexander won and became the King of Persia.
  • 331 BCE

    Conquering Egypt

    Conquering Egypt
    Alexander conquered Egypt and founded the city of Alexandria.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander's Death

    Alexander's Death
    Alexander became very ill and died in Babylon.