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Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton takes part in two battles
Hamilton and his 60 men take part in the battle of white play in and the battle of trenton. -
Hamilton is elected to congress
Hamilton is elected to congress as a representative form New York. -
Hamilton creates bank of New York
Alexander Hamilton creates the bank of New York. -
Hamilton writes fedreal papers
Hamilton writes 51 of the 85 essays published in the federal papers. -
Hamilton is the first united states secratary of treasuary
Hamilton is the first secretary of treasury. Over the next to years he subimts 5 reports on the econimic issues in the country. -
Hamilton create first national bank
Alexander hamilton is successful in creating america first national bank. -
Hamitlon assist in the suppression of a "whiskey rebellion"
Alexander Hamilton assist in the suppression of a "whiskey rebellion" in western Pennsylvania over the imposition of a federal excise tax on the drink. -
Hamilton resigns as secretary of treasury
Alexander Hamilton submits his final finical report to congress and resigns as the soon afterward. -
Hamilton establishes a newspaper
Alexander Hamilton establishes a newspaper called the New York evening post. -
Hamiltons duel
Alexander Hamilton duels Arron Burr on the banks of the Hudson River, and is shot in the abdomen. A day later July 12th Hamilton meets his untimely death.