Smith Founded JamesTown
The English Explorer Discovered Jamestown With Move Plans To Colonize Virginia.Smith Led The Colonies To Survive And Grow Also Made -
Hudson Explorer Ne & Na/Hr
He Went To find a short route from Europe to Asia. he took 4 voyages and then Discovered the Hudson river -
Singing Of Treaty Of Paris
Ending of seven years were also known as french and indian war in america territory except new Orleans in order to retain their Caribbean Sugar Islands -
Boston Tea Party
They Were Angered by the tea act and where Taxed because of the tea. Native Americans and dumped 19,000 of each Indian tea in the hardboard -
Us Slave Trade With/African Ends
Us Law stated that no new saves were to be imported in the us 4 million in the south join congress in the north to vote for abolish slavery -
War Of 1812
conflict between Us and Uk during the war America launches a three point evasion in Canada -
Many Catholics immigrated tramlines of 1840 and 1850 people suffered persecution from naturalist groups. -
manifest Destiny
19th Century period of the america express that the U.S Nation could go up destined from coast to coast -
Pony Express Begins
Used horses and riders relay teams to shuttle mail along a 2,000 mile route between St Joseph Missouri and Sacramento California Delivery Estimated 10 Days They needed to take an oath. -
Spanish American War
The Spanish-American War (1898) was a conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America. -
there where this cotton gin to comb out the cotton and separate the seeds and became a profitable business creating many fortune. -
First Radio Broadcast in Pittsburgh
he first commercial radio station was KDKA in Pittsburgh, which went on the air in the evening of Nov. 2, 1920, with a broadcast of the returns of the Harding-Cox presidential election. The success of the KDKA -
Great Depression
it began after a stock market crashed went to send a wall street into a panic and wined out millions of investment -
St. Valentines Day Massacre
The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre is the name given to the February 14, 1929 murder of seven men of the North Side Irish gang -
Attack On Pearl Harbor
hundred of Japanese fighter planes attacked the naval base that way attacked last -
D Day
200,000 German Troops And Early 100,000 tanks launched Adolf Hitlers Last bid to reverse ebb -
33rd President Harry S. Truman
Was The President that made the decision to drop the nuke on Hiroshima And Nagasaki killing 120,00 people all together -
JFK Assassinated
He Was In Texas And Was Assassinated by a man names Lee Harvey Oswald And He Was Born in new Orleans in 1939 -
44th President Barack Obama
So HE Was The First African American To Become the president of the United States and In October 2009 He Was Honored the Nobel Peace Prize.