Alex Thornton

  • Alexander Scott Thornton is Born

    I was born in Denver, Colorado; I lived in Granby, Colorado till I was seven. Then moved to Valley City and started first grade here at Jefferson School.
  • My Basketball Career had Started

    My Basketball Career had Started
    I had signed up for Rec Basketball in third grade and played all the way through sixth grade. This kinda basketball was the worst the players had no idea what was going on. The coaches were good though.
  • Travel Ball

    Travel Ball
    Jared Eggermont's dad and my dad had put together a travel basketball team for my grade in fourth grade. We played on this team till eighth grade. We traveled mostly every tournament being there wasn't much home ones.
  • First Championship

    First Championship
    Our first tournament was in Valley City at the auditorium next to the rec center. We had a lot of guys play in this tournament with one of the best Muhamid.
  • Jamestown Champions

    Jamestown Champions
    We had traveled to Jamestown for one of our first tournaments. We had beat everyone and were coming home with first place. It was a tough tournament because we only had seven guys instead of eight usually.
  • Broke My Leg

    Broke My Leg
    I was playing in a football game down in Oakes. I was the running back and I had got the ball and ran up the whole. I got tackled down low and was dragging one guy then got hit on the top and fell backwards and snapped my leg in three spots.
  • Thompson Champions

    Thompson Champions
    I was so scared it was my first tournament sense I broke my leg so I barely played being it kinda hurt. But we had won another one with some new guys on our team. I was happy to be back.
  • School Ball

    School Ball
    The days of travel ball have involved school ball now. Junior high ball was played from seventh to eighth grade. Our coach was Jared Lentz we had some fun seasons.
  • Now JV Basketball

    Now JV Basketball
    Junior Varsity basketball starts after eighth grade and I played all freshman year on JV. And my sophomore year I played one half in JV every game.
  • Varsity Ball

    Varsity Ball
    Going from JV to varsity is a huge change. I played two halves every varsity game and they are way different from last year. But we had a fun first season on varsity for us sophomores and hopefully win more games next year.