Alejandro 7B

By a001756
  • I was born

    I was born the 20 of Novemember of 2006 and my dad is Alejandro and my mom Thelma.
    My brother is Rodrigo and he was little at that time, but still bigger than me so he is the big brother and I am the least because he was born 2 years before me.
  • I am starting to walk

    I am starting to walk
    I am starting to walk
    Even a lot of kids already walk I make it a little late, but not that much to get worried so when I start to walk a lot of kids already do it
    but my mom never worried so when I start to walk she was happy.
    At least I can walk normally and without problems.
  • My mom is looking for schools

    My mom is looking for schools
    At that year my mom is looking for schools and he is seeing many options, but she can´t decide what school is the better for me so
    she was very nervius but we still had a lot of time.
    At last we had to see a lot of schools when they start to have a more good idea of the school my mom want.
  • My mom choose ASP

    My mom choose ASP
    My mom chose the ASP
    At least my mom decides that the ASP is a good school, but when we were seeing the classrooms the principal tell me if I want to get now to classes, but because I was a little kid, I said yes, so the principle grab me and put me in the class but i was supposed to wait until the next year
  • I am liking the school

    I am liking the school
    I am starting to like the school
    I am starting to like the school because I have good friends
    and good teachers but one problem I had was that when i was supposed to have glasses i dont like it so they had to force me
    so i used
  • Graduation

    We are excited
    We are excited because we are leaving preschool, but at the same time we are excited we are scared of the change because we are getting more, big and that means more responsabilities but we are more happy than scared because we are growing up.
  • Second Grade

    Second Grade
    When we finish 1 grade we have 2 grade that has more
    challenges but we are doing well because we are putting a
    lot of dedication to it so we can have good grades and dont fail
    the grade because if we dont have good grades we will not do anything in the life.
  • Third grade

    Third grade
    In this year we meet the Teacher Bill and it was awesome he told us how to cook and give us nicknames and we have a lot of fun
    but all need to have an end because the 4 grade was waiting us
    and we didint know what to do.
  • Fourth grade

    Fourth grade
    This is a more challenging year but we will pass it.
  • Fifth grade

    Fifth grade
    This is one of my favorite years because we were with one
    of the funniest and best teachers, but too they were some of my best friends.
  • Sixth grade

    Sixth grade
    In sixth grade we were preparing for Highschool so we were really excited, but at the same time nervous because they told us that it was very difficult, but we know we were going to do it very
  • Explora

    This is one of my favorite camps in Mexico
    This is a camp in Mexico and is very fun because we swim in the river and have cabins so the day we were all going a lot of
    persons started crying so that camp make us more united
    as friends.
  • Graduation

    At last we are moving to Highschool, we all know it will be a challenge but we will survive.
  • Secondary

    Every one is nervious because we dont know what will happen
    or what to do but I know we will survive because if we try to have better grades and that will help us to pass it and as a team we
    will do it.