Apr 1, 1001
First Settlers To Alaska 30,000-25,000
30,000 BC - 25,000 -
Period: Apr 1, 1001 to
Alaska Timeline
Europeans finally discovered Alaska
First Scientific Report On North Pacific Fur Seal
Captain James Cook of England Explorers Artic Ocean
Russian Navy assumes Authority in Alaska
Russians start to explore the Nushagak,Kuskokwim, yukon and Koyuk Rivers
United states and England obtain trading privileges in Alaska.
Fort Yukon Established
Coal mining begins at coal Harbor on the kenai peninsula
Gold Discovered on the Stikine River near Telegraph Creek
The sale of Alaska by Russia to the the United States
U.S. troops withdrawn from Alaska
First Cold Storage plant built at Ketchikan
International agrrement between U.S., Great Britain, Canada, Russia, and Japan controls fur seal fisheries; sea otters placed under complete protection; Copper River and Northwestern Railroad begins service to Kennecott Copper Mine.
First Alaska Territorial Legislature Covenes. First Law passed grants women voting rights.
Treadwell Mine complex caves in.
Anchorage Organizes city government
U.S. Navy begins 5- year survey to map parts of Alaska. Alaska Native Brotherhood convention at Haines resolves to pursue land claims settlement in Southern Alaska.
Control of education among the Natives of Alaska was transfr=erred from the Bureau of Education to the Bureau of Indian Affairs creating the Alaska Indian Service.
Fairbanks flood
Trans-Alaska Pipeline Completed from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez
Alaska Highway celebrates its 50th anniversary.
The legislature passes a bill requiring all students to pass exit exams to earn high school diplomas, to become effective in 2002
Lance Mackey wins his 4th Iditarod race
Two Alaskans pleaded guilty to illegally trading walrus tusks with Eskimo hunters