
Alaska Timeline

  • Apr 1, 1001

    First Settlers To Alaska 30,000-25,000

    First Settlers To Alaska 30,000-25,000
    30,000 BC - 25,000
  • Period: Apr 1, 1001 to

    Alaska Timeline

  • Europeans finally discovered Alaska

    Europeans finally discovered Alaska
  • First Scientific Report On North Pacific Fur Seal

    First Scientific Report On North Pacific Fur Seal
  • Captain James Cook of England Explorers Artic Ocean

    Captain James Cook of England Explorers Artic Ocean
  • Russian Navy assumes Authority in Alaska

    Russian Navy assumes Authority in Alaska
  • Russians start to explore the Nushagak,Kuskokwim, yukon and Koyuk Rivers

    Russians start to explore the Nushagak,Kuskokwim, yukon and Koyuk Rivers
  • United states and England obtain trading privileges in Alaska.

    United states and England obtain trading privileges in Alaska.
  • Fort Yukon Established

    Fort Yukon Established
  • Coal mining begins at coal Harbor on the kenai peninsula

    Coal mining begins at coal Harbor on the kenai peninsula
  • Gold Discovered on the Stikine River near Telegraph Creek

    Gold Discovered on the Stikine River near Telegraph Creek
  • The sale of Alaska by Russia to the the United States

    The sale of Alaska by Russia to the the United States
  • U.S. troops withdrawn from Alaska

    U.S. troops withdrawn from Alaska
  • First Cold Storage plant built at Ketchikan

    First Cold Storage plant built at Ketchikan
  • International agrrement between U.S., Great Britain, Canada, Russia, and Japan controls fur seal fisheries; sea otters placed under complete protection; Copper River and Northwestern Railroad begins service to Kennecott Copper Mine.

    International agrrement between U.S., Great Britain, Canada, Russia, and Japan controls fur seal fisheries; sea otters placed under complete protection; Copper River and Northwestern Railroad begins service to Kennecott Copper Mine.
  • First Alaska Territorial Legislature Covenes. First Law passed grants women voting rights.

    First Alaska Territorial Legislature Covenes. First Law passed grants women voting rights.
  • Treadwell Mine complex caves in.

    Treadwell Mine complex caves in.
  • Anchorage Organizes city government

    Anchorage Organizes city government
  • U.S. Navy begins 5- year survey to map parts of Alaska. Alaska Native Brotherhood convention at Haines resolves to pursue land claims settlement in Southern Alaska.

    U.S. Navy begins 5- year survey to map parts of Alaska. Alaska Native Brotherhood convention at Haines resolves to pursue land claims settlement in Southern Alaska.
  • Control of education among the Natives of Alaska was transfr=erred from the Bureau of Education to the Bureau of Indian Affairs creating the Alaska Indian Service.

    Control of education among the Natives of Alaska was transfr=erred from the Bureau of Education to the Bureau of Indian Affairs creating the Alaska Indian Service.
  • Fairbanks flood

    Fairbanks flood
  • Trans-Alaska Pipeline Completed from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez

    Trans-Alaska Pipeline Completed from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez
  • Alaska Highway celebrates its 50th anniversary.

     Alaska Highway celebrates its 50th anniversary.
  • The legislature passes a bill requiring all students to pass exit exams to earn high school diplomas, to become effective in 2002

    The legislature passes a bill requiring all students to pass exit exams to earn high school diplomas, to become effective in 2002
  • Lance Mackey wins his 4th Iditarod race

    Lance Mackey wins his 4th Iditarod race
  • Two Alaskans pleaded guilty to illegally trading walrus tusks with Eskimo hunters

    Two Alaskans pleaded guilty to illegally trading walrus tusks with Eskimo hunters