First contact with Russians in Alaska
Mikhail Gvozdev -
First contact with Europeans in Alaska
Explorer Capt. George Vancouver names the Lynn Canal
The Lynn Canal is the deepest fjord in North American running 90 miles south from Skagway. -
First European Sighting of Denali
Russians sell Alaska to the US
Fishing became a significant seasonal commercial enterprise
The first two canneries were built in Klawock and Sitka. -
S. Hall Young and John Muir visit the Chilkat Valley
John Muir mapped Glacier Bay with Tlingit Indian guides -
US Navy Shells Angoon
Gold discovered at Porcupine Creek
Previously a stop on the Dalton Trail, Porcupine became a thriving gold-mining community leading to further development of Haines -
The Commission of Fort William Seward
Haines Packing Company Cannery established
This cannery is still in operation buying salmon. My son will be working here this summer. -
Haines Cut-Off Highway built
Haines is now connected to the Alcan. -
Tee-Hit-Ton vs. US
This group of Tlingits brought a case against the US for compesation for lumber taken from tribal lands (Tongass National Forest). The case was decided against the Tee-Hit-Tons. -
Deadliest Catch Premiers
Set in the Bering Sea this series documents the lives, onbaord, of crab fisherman. The first season documented the final derby crabbing season. -
Sarah Paline became Governor of Alaska
Premier of Gold Rush Alaska
Another Discovery Channel show featuring Alaska. Many episodes of this series are set just north of Haines featuring the Schnabel family. -
Mt. McKinnley returns back to Denali