Daniel Dennett
He was born March 28th, 1942 in Boston, Massachusetts and he is thankfully still alive and working("Dennett"). -
Daniel Dennett made his contribution to modern philosophy with literature. His first book was published in 1978 and it's called, “Brainstorms: Philosophical Essays on Mind and Psychology.” This book offers us an understanding of his theories of artificial intelligence and consciousness. His 2nd book was made in 1981 and it was called, “The Mind’s l: Fantasies and Reflection on Self and Soul.” His 3rd book is called, “Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting." ("Dennett"). -
Consciousness Explained
In 1991 he published a book called, “Consciousness Explained.” In the book, he counters the commonsense theory of consciousness and announces a new model which is built on a lot of evidence from the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and artificial intelligence. He says the consciousness is like multiple layered computer programs running on the hardware of the brain ("Dennett"). -
Free Will
A lot of people probably do not realize what free will is or even that fact that we have it. David Dennett defines free will as having the power to see ahead and evaluate our consequences. It is the ability to respond to someone about the reasons we did something and challenge the reasons we do things. He says that we did not always have this gift but thanks to evolution, we have gained this ability over the years (Think 2012). -
Daniel Dennett: Consciousness Explained video
(World.Minds 2013) -
“Daniel Dennett.” Famous Philosophers, www.famousphilosophers.org/daniel-dennett/. Think, Big. “Daniel Dennett Explains Consciousness and Free Will.” YouTube, YouTube, 23 Apr. 2012, www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-Nj_rEqkyQ. WORLD.MINDS. “Daniel Dennett: Consciousness Explained (2013 WORLD.MINDS).” YouTube, YouTube, 31 Dec. 2013, www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP1nmExfgpg.