Last day of menstrual cycle
Period: to
Pregnancy Cycle
1st month of fetus development
Fetus is the size of poppy seed. Looks like a tadpole, and is 1 mm long -
2nd month fetus development
Your baby is approximately 1/2 inch - 3/4 inch long and weighs about 1-2 grams by the end of this month The placenta also begins to form as well as the eyes, ears, mouth, and bones. In this month, your baby's fingers and toes will become present -
3rd month of fetus development
Baby's heartbeat can be detected by doppler beginning in your third month. Development of the heart and all major organs is complete by the end of the third month. baby is 3-4 inches long and weighs about 1 ounce. -
Sense of fetus smell
Sense of smell A fetus's nose develops between 11 and 15 weeks.Until recently, scientists didn't believe that fetuses would have any sense of smell, since it was assumed that smelling depended on air and breathing -
Senses of fetus taste
Sense of taste develop in 13 to 15 weeks and fetus's taste buds already look like a mature adult's, and the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus can smell strongly of curry, cumin, garlic, onion, or other strong tastes from a mother's diet. -
4th month of fetus development
During your fourth month your baby's hair and teeth begin to form. Your baby will be moving and active now and you may begin to feel baby's movement this month. baby is approximately 5-6 inches long and weigh 5-8 ounces by the end of the month. By the end of this month it may be possible to determine baby's gender. -
5th month of fetus development
Your baby is developing a fine hair, called lanugo, which covers the body. Vernix, a white lanolin-like covering, appears on baby to protect her skin. Her ears are developed. baby is approximately 7-8 inches long and weighs 3/4-1 pound by the end of this month. -
6th month of fetus development
The fetus is approximately 9-10 inches long and weigh's in at about 1 1/2-2 1/4 pounds. The lungs are developing as well.Real hair and toenails are beginning to grow.The baby's bones are becoming solid. -
7th month of fetus development
The fetus is approximately 11 inches long and weighs around 3-3 1/2 pounds.The fetus eyes are open and she is able to cry.Fetus is increasing in body fat and the bones are fully developed now.Your baby is coated with a waxy substance called vernix caseosa which protects his skin. -
Sense of fetus hearing
By week 25, your baby begins to hear your voice and your partner's and may even recognize those voices as early as week 27. Sounds may be muffled, though, because the ears are still covered with vernix, the thick waxy coating that protects the skin from becoming chapped by the amniotic fluid. -
8th month of fetus development
Your baby is approximately 13 inches long and weighs around 5-6 pounds at the end of this month.Baby is becoming increasingly cramped for space, but is still very active.Most babies will have turned head down by this time in preparation for birth. -
9th month of fetus development
Fetus weigh's 7-8 pounds and 19-21 inches in length.Fetus will spend a lot of time resting, but should still have plenty of active periods. -
Newborn baby
baby is about 7-9 pounds and a length 20-22 inches -
Birth-stages of labor
1st stage is when you start having contractions that cause progressive changes in your cervix and ends when your cervix is fully dilated. This stage is divided into two phases which are early and active labor.
2nd stage is when you're fully dilated and ends with the birth of your baby. This is sometimes referred to as the "pushing" stage.
3rd stage is right after the birth of your baby and ends with the delivery of the placenta.