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Alamo Timeline

  • Mexican Independence

    Mexican Independence
    Mexico got its independence from Spain when the treaty of Córdoba was signed. Mexico had a revolutionary war that lasted for 11 years because they wanted there independence. This was a good thing, but it also led to instability in government which had an impact on Texas.
  • Law of April 6, 1830

    Law of April 6, 1830
    When The Mexican general Manuel de Mier y Terán visited Texas he than gave recommendations of laws to the Mexican Government that would hopefully establish a good future for Texas. In this Law, many articles were made. But there was one law that made the Texans furious. The law prohibited further immigration into Texas from the USA.
  • Santa Anna Elected President of Mexico

    Santa Anna Elected President of Mexico
    When Santa Anna was elected president of Mexico, it was seen as a victory for the freedom of Mexican citizens. Citizens living in Texas really hoped he would make the restrictions on Texans less strict from the laws from April 6, 1830.
  • Santa Anna Defeats Zacatecas

    Santa Anna Defeats Zacatecas
    Zacatecas was the first state to revolt again Mexico. Zacatecas is located in central Mexico. The main reason shy Zacatecas revolted against Mexico was because they objected to the centralists overturning the constitution of 1824. Santa Anna then led his troops with brutal efficiency to put an end to Zacatecas. The soldiers then were allowed by Santa Anna to loot the city of its riches. This piece of history then reached Texas and it’s citizens were filled with anger.
  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    The battle of Gonzales is the start of the Texas revolution. When the creation of the federal militiamen reduction was created the citizens that lived in Gonzales were asked to relinquish the cannon given to them as protection against native Americans. They didn’t want to and refused to so the Mexican lietenanr casteñeda was sent to get the cannon. They Texan citizens just said “come and take it”. Then they fired on his troops.
  • Santa Anna Begins Marching To Texas From Saltillo

    Santa Anna Begins Marching To Texas From Saltillo
    On this date Santa Anna began his march to Saltillo. His destination in Texas was Béxar. This was the crossroads of Texas and it was a strategic location where every road in Texas met.
  • James C. Neil leaves the Alamo

    James C. Neil leaves the Alamo
    James C. Neil left the Alamo because his family was ill. He was the commander of the Alamo. All the texans respected him.
  • Period: to

    The battle of Alamo

    All of the events from this timeline led up to this battle. Texan soldiers who were citizens of Texas and the Mexican soldiers went to war. The Mexicans won the battle. Roughly about 2,000 soldiers died. The battle was a total of 9 hours. But the siege is what lasted 13 days.