Sep 21, 1086
Christian defeat at Sagrajas
Dec 18, 1118
Conquest of Zaragoza
Zaragoza was conquered by Alfonso the battler who defeated the muslim forces with the help of the crudasers of the council of touluse. -
Feb 25, 1119
Capture of Tudela
Tudela was captured by Alfonbso the Battler -
Jan 21, 1120
rebellion in Cordoba against the Arabs
Jun 28, 1129
Conquest of Daroca
Jan 25, 1142
Capture of Coria
Alfonse VI conquered Coria in the year 1142. Alfonso's purpuose was to threaten the cities of Badajoz and Caceres. -
Jan 25, 1149
Conquest of Lleida
Lleoda was conquered in 1149 by Ramon Berenguer VI. In the past Lleida had been an independent Taifa. -
Jul 18, 1195
Battle of Alarcos
In the battle of Larcos confronted king Alfonso VIII of Castilla and the Almohads. The Castillian king didn't waited for the reinforsments the king of Leon and Navarra where sending and went into battle with some military orders and wsa defeated. -
Jul 16, 1212
Muslim defeat at Las Navas de Tolosa
This battle confronted the the Christian forces of diferent kingdoms, military orders and crusaders. In this battle the Castillian king had contacted the Pope and told him to recruit some soldoers to help him in the battle.
The muslim forces doubled the Christian ones, but howerwer, the Christinas won. -
Jan 25, 1229
Conquest of Mallorca
Mallorca was conquered by James the Conqueror in 1229 -
Jan 25, 1248
Conquest of Valencia
Valencia was conquered by James the Conqueror with the help of military orders. -
Jan 25, 1248
Conquest of Sevilla
Sevilla was conquered by the the Castllian king Ferdinand III.