Akemi's Idealistic timeline

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on September 14, 2003, I was born in Hot Springs AR, I was 8 pounds and 7 ounces at birth , Around the age of 1 i received my first book for Christmas, i love to eat that's one of my hobbies
  • Graduation

    I will be graduating in 2022.I want to become a RN as I plan to go into the medical field.i like hospital materials.i plan to make a future on becoming a RN. I love to help others in need so thats why i want to become a nurse.
  • Jobs, Marriage, Retirement

    Jobs, Marriage, Retirement
    I plan to be a RN. I plan on being married after college hopefully. If I do decide to retire then I wanna have as much money as i can
  • Children

    i want to have a girl and boy. They will be born 4 years apart. They will start kindergarten at 5, They will graduate in the year of probably 2029. They will have kids around 2039