Aiden Rollins Timeline

  • i was born

    i was born august 19th 2003 in danbury hospital at 5:03 pm i had my embilical cord around my neck when i came out and flatlined for about 15 to 20 secounds my mom said then came back not crying at all but looked very surprised
  • hurt my right leg really bad

    i was running on a sunny sunday at around 2;30pm in my old churchs parking lot and i tripped over a rock and smashed my knee into asphalt that was pointing up in the driveway and cut my knee wide open in one spot i layed the crying and my dad came running over and picked me up and my mom and my dad drove me to danbury hospital while my mom was taking care of me and i got a big rock removed from inside my knee and got 6 sitches i was very scared that the stitichs where going to hurt when i young
  • Life changing moment

    i got expelled from CVStarr which put in persepctive of who i am and what i am and what i did wrong and if i still had friends after what i did
  • first time snowboarding

    my first time i snowboarded i really enjoyed it, it was with my two closest freinds luis and paul and my other freind jake. ih ad a really hard time at first going down lovers lane to practice the easist of the courses and falling a lot but i finally started getting some hang of what i was doing and then when i got down at the end of the trail the girl i used to like a lot was there talking to my freinds so i tried not looking stupid and went down lovers lane with my freinds and her.didenty fall
  • first concert

    my first concert was with my two sisters, my sisters boyfreind, and my parents. it was a twenty one pilots concert and it was crazy it was so loud i dident even know what to do but just to dance ans sing all the songs. by the end of the concert josh dun the drummer of the band looked at me and put up his drumsticks like mine it was the best feeling
  • Got my first longboard

    when i got my first longboard at olyimpa sports. not really the best shop to get your first offical longboard but it felt really good to get it and to longboard with my freinds and that led me into really loving longboaring and getting really good and loving going down big hills and going really fast and being under control but my first longboard was tight on the wheels and dident turn well later did i know that i needed a tool to lossen the bolts so it dident do it but now i know
  • pinebrook

    pinebrook has wlays been a summer thing we always did as a family but it always ended badly or with a fight but a certain pinbrooke everyone was happy and fine and rode my longboard around pinbrook which was really fun becuase then everyone of the kids wanted to try my longboard becuae pinebrook was usally run by bikes and everything so it was new