Aida Jakupovic Timeline

  • Part 1 (Question 1)

    Part 1 (Question 1)
    1. When I asked my parents about what they thought technology would be like they told me they couldn't imagine having portable phones, that could do the things that they can do today. They said they did think that TVs would get thinner which did happen. They said they thought high tech cars would happen which it did. Overall they thought the things they already had would just get more high tech.
  • Part 1 (Question 2)

    Part 1 (Question 2)
    They considered type writers high tech and you were rich if you had one. They also found it high tech if you had a phone in your own room. Having more than one than one TV in your house would also mean you have money and would be high tech. It was considered high tech if you had any of these items as your own.
  • Part 1 (Question 3)

    Part 1 (Question 3)
    They said they have seen major chages the first major change they saw was smart phones. When they were in their 30s people had flip phones that could not do much other than call. Now smart phones can pretty much do anything. The second thing is the ipad when the ipad came out it was so intresting because it could do everything a laptop can do but much smaller. The last change is game systems now there is xbox, wii and more which you can play multiple games on
  • Part 1 (Question 4)

    Part 1 (Question 4)
    The thing that surprises me the most about technolgy is how far it's come now you can find any topic you want on google, back in the day students had to read to fin information. We have many more resoures now for learning. I can watch any movie on my phone on the go too. Now a days you can find any information you need which is insane to me.
  • Part 2 (Question 2)

    Part 2 (Question 2)
    I consider the newest Iphones high tech, I think this because normally the newer Iphones can do something a bit better than the one before. I also consider new macbooks high tech when it comes out, anything apple that comes out is considered high tech.
  • Asking Questions

    Asking Questions
    My parents said that if someone had a type writer when they were in highschool it was considered high tech. If you have a type writer and you made one misake you would have to write everything all over again. Now we don't have that problem it's crazy how much work kids would have to do just to find information for school.
  • Asking My Grandma Questions

    Asking My Grandma Questions
    When I asked my grandma questions about the technology she had when she was younger. She said when she hung out with her friends at her favourite restaurant they would listen to music from a jukebox. I've heard of what this is but it's crazy to me that, that is what she had for a source of music.
  • Summary

    In conclusion technology has changed for my parents and I, and technology is changing every single day. That is what's so great about it, technology is never ending.
  • Part 2 (Question 1)

    Part 2 (Question 1)
    I think the world will be so different, technology is already growing so fast by the time I grow up I feel like all the technology will shock me. Everything now will not seem high tech at all. I think there are many great things to come. Like computers that can do more then the ones we have now, and smart phones that will have apps that we cannot even imgaine now.
  • Part 2 (Question 3)

    Part 2 (Question 3)
    I've seen massive changes from just smart phones and all the new apps ans things you can do. There is an app for everything, and now you can talk to anyone across the world. During my lifetime i have seen changes in things like computers,phones all the way to new things like Ipads. When I was very young I played on my DS all the time now kids can play games on their Ipods or phones and don't need portable game systems.