AI history

By aiict
  • 1 BCE


    Greek myths already suggested ideas of intelligent robots such as the myths of Hephaestus and Pygmalion
  • 1 CE

    1st century

    1st century
    Heron created mechanical men
  • Calculating machine

    David Pascal invented the first digital calculating machine, the mechanical calculator
  • First electronic computer

    First electronic computer
    Konrad zuse built the first electronic computer

    First stored programme computer is invented-EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator)
  • "Turning Test"

    "Turning Test"
    The “Turnin Test” is proposed by Alan Turner, considered one of the fathers of computing engineering, to measure mechanical intelligence.
  • Ferranti Mark 1 machine

    Ferranti Mark 1 machine
    First working AI programmes written to run on the Ferranti Mark 1 machine of Manchester University.
  • "The Logic Thorist"

    "The Logic Thorist"
    Programme “The Logic Theorist” considered by many the first AI programme developed by Herbert Simpson and Newell Shaw
  • GPS

    First version of the GPS created by the same theorists
  • LIPS language

    LIPS language
    LISP language developed by John McCarthy, the language preferred among AI developers.

    UNIMATE, the first industrial robot began to work at General Motors.

    ELIZA, an interactive program that could carry a dialogue in English on any topic built by Joseph Weizenbaum.
  • Shakey

    Shakey, the first mobile robot to use artificial intelligence
  • The Stanford Car

    The Stanford Car
    The first car to be computer controlled is created by Hans Moravec, The Stanford Car
  • Deep Blue chess machine

    Deep Blue chess machine
    The Deep Blue chess machine beats chess world champion Garry Kasparov.
  • The Normand robot & robot pets

    The Normand robot explores the Artantica, robot pets become commercially avaliable.
  • Sophia

    Robot Sophia becomes the first robot with a citizenship, becoming a citizen of Arabia Saudi.