
  • Jan 1, 1000

    First of ag.

    First of ag.
    Farming began around 10000BC
  • Second ag. boom

    Second ag. boom
    The second farming boom was around 1870 and went threw 1914
  • First tractors

    First tractors
    Horses were the first tractors.They were used fordragging the fields.
  • 3rd farming boom

    3rd farming boom
    This was the biggest farming rev.
  • Second tractors

    Second tractors
    When gas came into the picture and cars. These things can into the picture. Tarctors made farming so much easier and made it industrial.
  • Gmos

    Two sci. at univestiys figured out how to take out the giant seed monsanto and this was a big movment in gmos
  • todays farming

    There are so many places that are being farmed today to feed the 7billion pepole on earth and there are so many diffrent types of farming today than there was years ago.
  • sci. farming

    farming has turned into a sci. and we keep delvoping new tech and keep on advancing are ag.