
Agricultural Revolution

By ldicker
  • Improvements in weather conditions

    Improvements in weather conditions
    After years of terrible weather for crops, 1700 was dramatically better. There was a higher crop yield than former years and this aided developments in agriculture.
  • Jethro Tull invents the seed drill

    Jethro Tull invents the seed drill
    Jethro Tull was an English agriculturalist and inventor. In 1701 he invented the horse-drawn seed drill. It cut time dramatically and allowed farmers to plant their seeds in neat rows. The seed drill also planted the seeds at the right depth and covered the hole with earth. This saves time for farmers and makes the process much more efficient.
  • Four-field crop rotation is developed

    Four-field crop rotation is developed
    One of the most important innovations of the Agricultural Revolution was the development of the Norfolk four-course rotation, which greatly increased crop and livestock produce by improving soil fertility. Crop rotation is the practice of growing different types of crops in the same area in a sequence of seasons throughout the year. This development helped restore plant nutrients and protect against plant diseases and pests.
  • Invention of the Rotherham plough

    Invention of the Rotherham plough
    The Rotherham Plough was a vast improvement over the traditional plough. Joseph Foljambe in Rotherham, England, in 1730 used new shapes as the basis for the Rotherham plough. Unlike the heavy plough, the Rotherham plough was much lighter than conventional designs and became very popular in England. It may have been the first plough to be widely built in factories and the first to be commercially successful.
  • Selective breeding introduced

    Selective breeding introduced
    Selective breeding is the breeding of livestock to get to the best possible traits. By using the best of each male and female specimen, an ideal offspring can be produced. Introduced by livestock experts such as Robert Bakewell and Thomas Coke, selective breeding was used to create the perfect specimen or to create an entire new breed. This was an important event due to the fact that farmers could now selectively breed to their own needs.
  • Developments in textiles

    Developments in textiles
    Throughout the 1700s, inventors such as Richard Arkwright, Eli Whitney and James Hargreaves developed machines and techniques that helped improve production in the textile industry. For example, in 1733 John Kay developed a wheel shuttle, later known as a flying shuttle. The machine improved weaving efficiency and reduced labor needs. James Hargreaves created the spinning jenny in 1764, which allowed a machine with many spindles of thread to be spun at one time.
  • Invention of the cotton gin

    Invention of the cotton gin
    A modern mechanical cotton gin was created by American inventor Eli Whitney in 1793. It revolutionised the cotton industry in the United States, but also led to the growth of slavery in the American South as the demand for cotton workers rapidly increased.
  • The Enclosure Acts

    The Enclosure Acts
    A series of parliament acts enclosed open fields and common land in the country, creating legal property rights to land that was previously considered common (owned by many different people). Once enclosed, use of the land became restricted to the owner and it ceased to be common land for communal use. This allowed the owner to the use the land how they wanted. Often people who used common land needed work elsewhere, moving to large towns and cities to find work in the factories.
  • Population growth

    Population growth
    It was estimated that the population growth between 1800 and 1801 was 50%. This growth demanded more food and pushed developments in agriculture.
  • Invention of the steel plough

    Invention of the steel plough
    John Deere developed many new machines and farm tools. His steel plough increased the efficiency of farming and eased the life of farmers. Now, nearly two centuries later, his company that grew out of the success of this innovative plow continues to manufacture advanced equipment for those whose commitment to the land runs deep.