
Age of Revolutions

  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris negotiated between the United States and Great Britain. It ended the revolutionary war. And it recognized American independence.
  • March on Versailles

    In early October 1789 thousands of Parisians, many of them women, marched 12 miles to Versailles, the residence of Louis XVI and the location of the National Constituent Assembly.y The March on Versailles, was one of the earliest and most significant events of the French Revolution
  • Call of the Estate General

    In 1789, King Louis XVI called for the Estates General to meet and consider how to best handle the French debt. France had supported the United States against the British during The American Revolution, acquiring serious debt as a result. Those debts had to be paid, which meant an increase in taxes.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath was a pledge that was signed in the early days of the French Revolution and was an important revolutionary act that displayed the belief that political authority came from the nation’s people and not from the monarchy.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    On 14 July 1789, a state prison on the east side of Paris, known as the Bastille, was attacked by an angry and aggressive mob. The prison had become a symbol of the monarchy's dictatorial rule, and the event became one of the defining moments in the Revolution that followed.
  • Execution of the King

    The execution of Louis XVI, by means of the guillotine, a major event of the French Revolution, took place on 21 January 1793 at the Place de la Révolution he was sentenced to death for treason.
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    Reign of Terror

    Its purpose was to purge France of enemies of the Revolution and protect the country from foreign invaders.The Terror was a brief but deadly period where Robespierre, the Committee of Public Safety and the Revolutionary Tribunals condemned thousands of people to die on the guillotine.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Maximilien Robespierre, the architect of the French Revolution's Reign of Terror, is overthrown and arrested by the National Convention. As the leading member of the Committee of Public Safety from 1793, Robespierre encouraged the execution, mostly by guillotine,
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    Napoleonic Wars

    Napoleonic Wars, series of wars under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte between Napoleonic France and shifting alliances of other European powers that produced a brief French hegemony over most of Europe
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian Revolution was a series of conflicts between 1791 and 1804 between Haitian slaves, colonists, the armies of the British and the French colonizers, and a number of other parties. Through the struggle, the Haitian people ultimately won independence from France.
  • Coronation of Napoleon I

    Coronation of Napoleon I
    Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned Emperor of the French on December 2, 1804 at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
  • Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo, also called La Belle Alliance, was Napoleon's final defeat, ending 23 years of recurrent warfare between France and the other powers of Europe.
  • Mexico Gains Independence

    Eleven years after the outbreak of the Mexican War of Independence, Spanish Viceroy Juan de O’Donojú signs the Treaty of Córdoba, which approves a plan to make Mexico an independent constitutional monarchy.