1765 Stamp Act
In 1765 the stamp act issued Declaration of Rights and Grievances. They also reaserted that colonist should get the same rights as native Britions. Their were two more resistance to the stamp act economic, and popular protest witch was the most critical resistance. Popular violence spreaded very quickly around to colonies. -
1774 intolerable act
In 1774 British passed a series of laws such like the intolerable act. After reacting to it colonial protestors led by a group called the Sons of Liberty issued a call for a boycott. The Congress first met in Philadelphia on September 5 1774, with delegates from each of the 13 colonies beside Georgia. The colony of Connecticut was the first ones to respond. -
1776 independence
In 1776 independence started to become something people would talk about. It could take another seven months before it could pass the independence resulotion. Two months before the Declaration of Independence their was a calling that had not already established revolutionary governments to do so. A few weeks later on June 7th Richard Henry Lee offered the following resolution. -
1781 France war
In 1781 the British were fighting three places, France, Spain and Holland. In October Washington marched his troops from New York to Virginia to attempt to trap the British southern army. But before they arrived the continental and French army arrived first. They began to talk about leave negotiations was at France and the war ended on September 3rd 1783 -
1783 peace
In 1783 the treaty of paris was signed. the Newfoundland banks and prewar debts owed British creditors .The preliminary articles signed in Paris on November 30 1782 were only effective when Britain and France signed a similar treaty. Two months of hard work led to preliminary articles of peace. -
1787 branches
In 1787 the Constitutional conventions took place in Philadelphia. All states were invited to send delegates. This decided how America was going to be governed. The convention been officially called to revise the article of the conventions. this convention designed a government with separate legislative, executive, and judicial branches. -
1868 commander
After 1868, when the Commander of the Pacific Fleet visited the islands to look after American interests. -
1941 attacked
On December 7, 1941, the base was attacked by the Imperial Japanese Navy airplanes and midget submarines.