age of revolution

  • Treaty of Paris

    A treaty between Paris and Great Britain. It was only effective after a treaty with france.
  • Calling of the Estates General

    King Louis XVI called a meeting of the estates general. First meeting since 1614, he called because of financial problems. The king said each estate would get one vote. The estates didnt like that so they got together and created the national assembly were they would make their own laws.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    In Versailles, France the third estate met at a tennis court. They took an oath, to not disband until a new french constitution was created. This was in defiance to the king wanting them to disband
  • Storming of the Bastille

    troops storm and dismantle the bastille. This caused the beginning of the french revolution. king louis was overthrown. the king and his wife, and many other people were executed
  • March on Versailles

    7000 working woman marched in the rain from paris to versailles with pitchforks, pikes, and muskets, chanting "bread!" because the people i paris were starving while the king had tons of food.
  • Execution King Louis XVI

    King Louis was convicted with conspiracy with foreign powers. so he was sentenced to death and executed by the guillotine.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Robespierre was arrested and overthrown by the national convention. Robespierre and 21 of his follower were all executed by guillotine.
  • Reign of Terror

    the guillotine was used to serve justice. the terror was to fight the enemies, to prevent a counter revolution from gaining. a man and his family would be sentenced to death for saying something bad about the revolutionary government.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Jean Jacques proclaims independence of Saint - Domingue. He renamed it haiti. In 1804 he gained dictatorial power and made haiti the second independent nation of america.
  • coronation of napoleon

    He was the first frenchman to be emperor in a thousand years. pope pius VII handed him the crown so he could put it on himself. he was crowned emperor in Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris
  • Battle of waterloo

    Marked the end of napoleon's reign. The british defeated napoleon and his forces
  • Napoleonic wars

    A series of conflicts fought between france under napoleon, and european nations from 1799 - 1815
  • Mexico Gains Independence

    11 years after the mexican war of independence, Juan de O'Donoju signs a treaty to approve mexico's independence.