Oct 12, 1492
Christopher Columbus Reaches the Americas
Sailing for Spain, Columbus reaches the Caribbean, opening the way for European colonization of the New World. -
May 20, 1498
Vasco da Gama Reaches India
Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama becomes the first European to reach India by sea, opening trade between Europe and Asia. -
Apr 22, 1500
Pedro Alvares Cabral Claims Brazil
Cabral, sailing for Portugal, lands in Brazil and claims it for Portugal under the Treaty of Tordesillas. -
Sep 27, 1513
Balboa Discovers the Pacific Ocean
Vasco Nunez de Balboa crosses the Isthmus of Panama and becomes the first European to see the Pacific Ocean -
Period: 1519 to 1522
Magellan’s Expedition Circumnavigates the Globe
Ferdinand Magellan’s fleet embarks on the first voyage around the world, proving the Earth is round and vast. -
Aug 13, 1519
Hernán Cortés Conquers the Aztecs
Spanish conquistador Cortés leads the conquest of the Aztec Empire in Mexico, gaining vast wealth for Spain. -
Apr 17, 1524
Giovanni da Verrazzano Explores North America
Sailing for France, Verrazzano explores the east coast of North America, including New York Harbor. -
Nov 16, 1532
Francisco Pizarro Conquers the Inca Empire
Spanish forces, led by Pizarro, defeated the Inca Empire in present-day Peru, expanding Spanish rule in South America. -
Apr 20, 1533
Jacques Cartier Explores Canada
French explorer Cartier maps the St. Lawrence River and claims Canada for France. -
Period: 1577 to 1580
Francis Drake’s Circumnavigation
English privateer Francis Drake becomes the first Englishman to sail around the world, raiding Spanish ports along the way. -
Formation of the Dutch East India Company
The Netherlands establishes one of the world’s first multinational corporations to control trade in Asia. -
John Smith and the Establishment of Jamestown, Virginia
England establishes its first permanent colony in North America, paving the way for further English expansion. -
Samuel de Champlain Founds Quebec
French explorer Champlain establishes Quebec, securing French influence in North America. -
Henry Hudson Explores Hudson Bay
English explorer, Hudson searches for a Northwest Passage but is abandoned by his crew in the bay that now bears his name. -
Dutch Establish New Amsterdam (Later New York)
The Dutch settle New Amsterdam, a key trade hub later taken over by the English and renamed New York. -
English Seize New Amsterdam
The English take control of New Amsterdam from the Dutch, strengthening their colonial presence in North America. -
La Salle Claims Louisiana for France
French explorer Robert de La Salle claims the Mississippi River basin for France, naming it Louisiana. -
Establishment of Fort Maurepas (First French Settlement in Louisiana)
The French established Fort Maurepas, strengthening their foothold in North America. -
Treaty of Utrecht
This treaty ends the War of Spanish Succession and alters European colonial holdings in North America. -
Period: to
Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War)
A major conflict between Britain and France that reshapes colonial power in North America. -
Period: to
Captain James Cook’s Pacific Voyages
Cook explores and maps vast parts of the Pacific, including Australia and New Zealand, expanding British influence. -
Australia Claimed for Britain
James Cook claims Australia for Britain, marking the beginning of British settlement. -
Louisiana Returned to France
Spain returns Louisiana to France, setting the stage for the Louisiana Purchase by the U.S. in 1803. -
Project Names
Adam Tiamiyu, Adeola Alayande, Allison Velasquez, Manh Dinh