Ag History 17th and 18th Century (1600-1799)

  • Iron production in Jamestown

     Iron production in Jamestown
    starting in 1609 settlers mined bog iron ore near Jamestown. Around 1619 the first iron production facility in North America started, but in 1622 it was destroyed by indians.
  • Tobacco saving Jamestown

    Tobacco saving Jamestown
    The entry of tobacco into the struggling colony of Jamestown form Sir John Rolfe. Which reshape it into a good endeavor for the Virginia Company to keep.
  • Bringing in slaves

    Bringing in slaves
    When slave from Angola were brought in to jamestown.
  • Ag in Virginia

    Ag in Virginia
    Tobacco was a important money crop and most ship had them in there holds.
  • Parliamentary Acts

    Parliamentary Acts
    Law made by England that made all American colonies requiring that all goods be exported to England be sent on British ship.
  • The First Mule Breed

    The First Mule Breed
    Charles III the king of Spain gave two donkeys to George Washington. One got there named "Royal Gift" then Washington brand it with one of his horse and got a mule out of it. Which Washington thought that it would revolutionize farming.
  • Period: to

    Shay's Rebellion

    Farmers revolt against high taxes and deflation in western Massachusetts. It showed the resentment to the economic crisis from the the Rev war.
  • The start of getting potassium

    The start of getting potassium
    Samuel Hopkins was issued the first patent for a process of making potassium. Which is the third major plant and crop nutrient after nitrogen and phosphorus.
  • Period: to

    Whiskey Rebellion

    farmers revolt against taxes on grain in whiskey began in 1791 so Washington sent in the military which ended it in 1794.
  • Public Land Act

    Public Land Act
    It let the western lands and territories to those who would want settle and expand the United States.